Apple Macbook Pro Saves Life; Ricochets an Incoming Bullet
Apple Macbook Pro Saves Life; Ricochets an Incoming Bullet
Steve Frappier in a conversation with CNN’s Anderson Cooper explained that he was near the baggage claim area and immediately fell to the floor to protect himself when he heard gun shots.

Fort Lauderdale-Hollywood International Airport experienced a horrifying event today wherein five people were shot dead by a gunman. Amidst the firing, one man was saved by his Macbook Pro when a shot fired towards him ricocheted after hitting the Macbook.

Steve Frappier in a conversation with CNN’s Anderson Cooper explained that he was near the baggage claim area and immediately fell to the floor to protect himself when he heard gun shots.

While laying down, Frappier felt something hit his backpack. At the time he thought it was just the content of his backpack falling out. “The backpack saved my life,” Steve Frappier said, on a telephonic interview on CNN’s AC360. “I was wearing a backpack on both shoulders. I dropped and the backpack was still on my back and I was turned in such a way where at one point when the shooter shot towards my direction, there were several other people around me, there was a bullet that ricocheted.”

Later on when he checked himself thoroughly, he realised that a bullet had hit his backpack. Frappier handed the backpack and the Macbook Pro to FBI who confirmed that the bullet was shot from the suspect’s gun, later identified as Esteban Santiago.“I felt something hit my back. There was luggage that was falling on top of me too and I thought it was just luggage at that time. It was only later when I went to the bathroom to check myself out that the bullet had entered my backpack, hit my laptop and then later when I gave my bag over to the FBI for investigation they found the bullet in the pocket of my backpack.”

Frappier recounts how he had left his bag open in a hurry while getting off his flight and that the bullet had entered through the slight opening and had hit the laptop straight.“It hit just so through the open backpack, exited, ran through the laptop and the casing and landed in an interior pocket of the backpack,” he said.“Since I was on the ground with the backpack on me, the way that it ricocheted and entered my bag. That would have been my back,” exclaims Frappier.Also read: Donald Trump Dismisses North Korea Nuclear Threat

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