This Close-Up Shot Of Lion Enjoying His Time In African Forest Is Just Beautiful
This Close-Up Shot Of Lion Enjoying His Time In African Forest Is Just Beautiful
Recently, a Los Angeles-based photographer captured fantastic footage of a lion during a trip to South Africa and uploaded it on Instagram.

Lions are thought to be among the best hunters in the wild, and they are frequently seen going to tremendous lengths to protect themselves from predators, or hunt for food. Humans rarely see lions hunting in the wild, and even getting an up close glimpse of them is hard. Recently, a Los Angeles based photographer captured fantastic footage of a lion during a trip to South Africa and uploaded it to Instagram. He shared his challenge to get the footage, but it was completely worth it in the end.

The viral footage of the lion was taken at Glen Garriff Conservation. The photographer had to fly 32 hours and drive for four hours to get to the location in South Africa. The clip shows the lion all calm at first and is difficult to gauge how close the photographer is to the majestic creature. Soon after, the lion roars loudly that can send a child down your spine. The lion is called Shalom.

Soon after being uploaded, the video has received over 6000 views and people are in awe of the wild animal. A user wrote, “Aww finally you’re there…so good to hear King Shalom’s welcome roar.” Another user expressed, “Love that sun beaming down as he gives that powerful roar. Awesome.” Admiring the majestic creature, an individual stated, “How exciting. Love shalom…he is a big teddy bear.”

Some also stated how they want to experience the same. “Love it!!!!! I want to be there one day. With you in spirit, dear friend soak it all in,” said one. Another user pointed out, “they are welcoming you Simon! How awesome! Enjoy your time there and look forward to seeing loads of photos.”

A few weeks ago, a wildlife photographer from South Africa photographed an absolutely wonderful moment with a lioness and her cub, which went viral on Instagram. Ivan Ueckermann uploaded the adorable footage, encouraging followers to watch the full scenario unfold. In the clip, after drinking from a waterhole, the cub most likely tried to play with its friends. Unfortunately, his mother caught him in the act. The mother lifted it up and transported it to a safer place. The lioness grabbed the cub with her jaws, while he resisted with a cute roar.

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