Biden’s Gaffes At Detroit Event Forces White House To Go On Full Damage Control Mode | Watch
Biden’s Gaffes At Detroit Event Forces White House To Go On Full Damage Control Mode | Watch
The White House made nine corrections to the formal transcript while Biden’s detractors had a field day as videos of his gaffe-ridden speech hit social media.

White House officials made nine corrections to the formal transcript of a gaffe-riddled speech that US President Joe Biden delivered at an event in Detroit. Biden on Sunday at an event hosted by the NAACP (National Association for the Advancement of Colored People) – a civil rights organisation advocating for racial equality and justice.

Instead of calling January 6, 2021 Capitol Hill rioters ‘insurrectionists’ he called them “irrectionists” and claimed he was vice-president of the United States during the COVID-19 pandemic.

In a major slip-up, whose video also went viral, Biden also fumbled to spell out the words ‘Affordable Care Act’ and mumbled a series of unintelligible sounds, leading his detractors to post that video on social media and poke fun at the octogenarian US President who along with his party have faced backlash for backing a candidate who has made mistakes in the past during speeches and major events.

As the leaders of one of the world’s most powerful countries and the world’s largest economy, Biden’s gaffes and mistakes have forced many to question if the aged leader is still capable of thinking on his feet.

The official transcript, released Monday, clearly highlighted Biden’s errors, showing strikethroughs of his mistakes and the corrected comments in brackets but chose not to go into much detail regarding the errors.

President Biden, 81, addressed the 69th annual Fight for Freedom Fund Dinner as part of an outreach effort to Black Americans, as recent polls showed that he is not getting the adequate support of the demographic that was crucial to his 2020 US Presidential Election victory.

When the US Congress was controlled by Democrats, US President Biden was able to expand the subsidies in the Affordable Care Act which allowed families to save up to $800 annually but during the event Biden mistakenly claimed it was $800,000.

“I protected and expanded the Affordable Care Act, saving millions of families $800,000 in prem- — $8,000 [$800] in — a year in premiums,” the President said.

Speaking of rising rents in American cities, instead of saying his administration is fighting landlords who keep hiking rents, he mistakenly said his administration is fighting landlords who keep lowering rents.

“We’re cracking down on corporate landlords who [to] keep rents down,” Biden said.

He also misquoted his rival Donald Trump in a bid to target him for saying that there would be ‘a bloodbath’ in case the Republican lost – a comment he made during campaigning earlier this year.

“But that’s not Donald Trump. Donald Trump has said, if he loses again in November, there will be, quote, ‘bloodshed‘ [‘bloodbath’]. What in God’s name are we talking about here?” Biden said, according to the transcript.

From the beginning of the year to late last month, the White House made at least 148 corrections to transcripts of President Biden’s remarks, according to a Daily Caller analysis.

Beneath one of his speech gaffe videos that has gone viral, a commentator accused the Democrats of being inhuman by forcing Biden to continue serving, as he would turn 86, if he were to win a second term.

“It’s inhumane for them to let Joe Biden continue to serve given his increasingly worse mental state. Shame on those who continue to prop him up. This is an insult to the elderly and a threat to our national security,” Paul A. Szypula said.

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