Here's What Immigrants Need to Know About Donald Trump's Ban
Here's What Immigrants Need to Know About Donald Trump's Ban
US President Donald Trump said on Friday his administration wants some more rigorous screening of refugees and visitors from certain countries to prevent terrorist attacks.

Washington: US President Donald Trump said on Friday his administration wants some more rigorous screening of refugees and visitors from certain countries to prevent terrorist attacks.

Here is what Trump's order on "extreme vetting" — denounced by civil rights groups as discriminatory - includes.

Countries that face temporary suspension of visas

- The statute applies to seven Muslim-majority nations — Syria, Iran, Sudan, Libya, Somalia, Yemen and Iraq

- The order bars entry of foreign nationals from these countries for 90 days. There is an exception for certain types of visas, including for diplomats and the United Nations

What changes will be made to immigration programs

- The order calls for a review to create a single process for screening people entering the country. It includes holding more in-person interviews and longer application forms. Under the current system, some visa applications require interviews but others do not.

- Order suspends the Visa Interview Waiver Program, which allows consular officers to exempt some applicants from face-to-face interviews

- Immigration attorneys say the changes will make even routine applications much more complicated and time-consuming. More people will need assistance to get through the visa process

Restricting refugees

- Order calls for temporary halt of all refugee admissions for four months so the government can study the process and determine if additional checks are necessary. There may be case-by-case exceptions

- Order also implements blanket ban on all Syrian refugees until "sufficient changes" have been made to the refugee program

- After the suspension is lifted, the government will give priority to applicants that are suffering religious-based prosecution, but only if they are minorities in their country. Trump says the move would protect Christians. It could also protect ethnic minorities like the Yazidis in the Middle East.

- Certain states and cities may get a role in deciding whether or not to allow people to live there.

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