Never felt an earthquake like this, a survivor tells about Nepal tremblor
Never felt an earthquake like this, a survivor tells about Nepal tremblor
Lot of old trees have been uprooted. An old barn has caught fire due short circuit.

Ramkot: I had just stepped out of my house. It was a very pleasant morning. I was planning to go to Kathmandu to buy clothes for my siblings. I was walking towards the bus station. Somebody shouted 'earthquake, earthquake'. I looked back. I saw people rushing out of their homes and the shopkeepers running helter-skelter.

I also joined them and ran towards the main road. Once we reached main road, we stopped to assess the damage. Most of the people were already out on the road. Some houses in my town have collapsed, many trees have been uprooted. A mini bus also overturned on the highway.

Lot of old trees have been uprooted. An old barn has caught fire due short circuit.

I took a drop to Kathmandu in a jeep to see what has happened. I saw some old buildings crashing down. The highway leading to Kathmandu city has been blocked. Several shops and small houses have also been collapsed. We rescued a few people stuck in the debris.

One of my friends took out his jeep and has taken them to a hospital. Many others are still stuck in the debris. I don't know if they are alive or dead.

I can say that it is a big earthquake. I have never seen anything like this. There is a severe panic everywhere.

####Nepal earthquake: Google person finder

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