US Coronavirus Task Force Members Say Trump Has Not Asked Them to Slow Testing
US Coronavirus Task Force Members Say Trump Has Not Asked Them to Slow Testing
Trump has repeatedly said that better US testing has led to a higher number of identified coronavirus cases across the country, and at a political rally on Saturday he said he had asked for a slowdown in testing.

Four top U.S. public health officials and members of President Donald Trump's coronavirus task force said on Tuesday that he has not asked them to slow down testing for the virus.

Testifying before the House Energy & Commerce Committee, National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases Director Anthony Fauci, FDA Commissioner Stephen Hahn, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Director Robert Redfield, and the Department of Health and Human Services Assistant Secretary Brett Giroir all said that the president had not asked them to slow down the testing.

Trump has repeatedly said that better U.S. testing has led to a higher number of identified coronavirus cases across the country, and at a political rally on Saturday he said he had asked for a slowdown in testing.

Fauci also said on Tuesday the U.S. was currently seeing a disturbing surge of infections in a number of states like Texas, Florida and Arizona. He said one reason infections were rising in those states was an increase in community spread.

"Right now the next couple of weeks are going to be critical in our ability to address those surges we are seeing in Florida, Texas, Arizona, and other states," he said.

Experts have raised concerns that the reopening of the U.S. economy could lead to a fresh wave of infections.

A number of U.S. states including Texas and Arizona have relaxed social distancing rules while grappling with a rising number of coronavirus patients filling hospital beds.

U.S. health officials last week warned that states seeing a spike in COVID-19 cases may need to reimpose strict restrictions similar to what was implemented in March.

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