Video: Activists Chant 'Death To America And Israel' In Farsi At Chicago Left-Wing Meet
Video: Activists Chant 'Death To America And Israel' In Farsi At Chicago Left-Wing Meet
Similar slogans were raised at a rally in Michigan on April 5, marking Al Quds Day, in which Muslims around the world denounce Israel

Over a week after activists chanted “Death to America” and “Death to Israel” at a high-profile rally in US’ Michigan, anti-Israel activists raised the same slogan in Farsi at a “break out session” for the Anti-War Committee in Chicago on Saturday.

The video of the shocking incident was widely shared on social media, where the organizer of the session, Shabbir Rizvi was seen teaching the “Death to Israel” and “Death to America” slogans in Iran’s native language to participants attending the event.

Rizvi told about 80 attendees—- all of whom were wearing black KF94 masks– that they could use the chant if they ever encountered “Zionist freaks”, according to a report by The Free Press.

Explaining to attendees the pronunciation of ‘Marg bar’, he said it’s like saying “margarita bar.”

The video shows Rizvi leading the group in a chant of “Marg bar Israel.” In the background, a man can be seen sitting draped in a Soviet flag bearing a gold hammer and sickle.

He then explained to the attendees that the saying ‘Marg bar’ has “two meanings, depending on who’s asking.”

“It can either mean, ‘death to,’ or ‘down with’,” he said.

Later, a man in the back can be asking, “Can we get a ‘marg bar America’?”

To this, Rizvi replies, “We can get a ‘marg bar America,” and leads the group in a chant of “Marg bar America.”

The disturbing incident occurred mere hours before Iran’s unprecedented aerial attack on Israel on Saturday. Similar slogans were raised at a rally in Michigan on April 5, marking Al Quds Day, in which Muslims around the world denounce Israel.

As per the report by The Free Press, the “breakout session” was part of a larger gathering of about 300 anti-war activists at the basement of the Teamsters Union’s headquarters on Saturday to hear organizers from all over America describe their plans to disrupt the Democratic National Convention this August.

As per the report, Joe Biden’s backing of Israel since Hamas’s October 7 attack has turned these left-wing radicals against their own party.

Israel-Iran Conflict

Iran launched scores of missiles toward Israel in retaliation for a suspected Israeli strike on an Iranian diplomatic complex in Syria on April 1. Israel’s military said that “99 per cent” of the more than 300 projectiles were intercepted.

Only one casualty — a 7-year-old Israeli-Arab girl — was reported in the incident so far.

Tensions between Israel and its arch-enemy Iran have ratcheted up since October 7, when Palestinian militant group Hamas launched an unprecedented assault on Israel, killing more than 1,200 people. That attack sparked a devastating response from Israel — more than 30,000 people have died since Israel launched its counter-attack on Gaza, the strip of land controlled by Hamas.

Israel has long accused Iran of engaging in a form of proxy war by backing groups — including Hamas — that have launched attacks on its shores. Tehran has denied any involvement in the October 7 attacks.

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