Registration for JEE Advanced for enrollment in IIT will start on April 27. The examination will be held on May 26. This time the responsibility of conducting this examination has been entrusted to IIT Madras. Earlier, the registration process was scheduled to commence on April 21, but it was later postponed to April 27. The last date for application is now May 7. The last date for depositing the examination fee is May 10. Candidates can apply online through the official website of JEE Advanced, jeeadv.ac.in.
The JEE Advanced 2024 admit card will be released on May 17. Candidates can download the admit card till the day of the examination. The final result of the examination will be released on June 9. Before this, the answer key of the exam will be released on June 2. Two days will be given to the candidates to file objections. The JEE Advanced exam will be held in two shifts. The first paper will be from 9 am to 12 noon and the second paper will be from 2.30 pm to 5.30 pm.
JEE Advanced 2024 Application: Cut Off Marks
The cut off marks for JEE Advanced have increased this year. The minimum cut-off for the general category candidates in JEE Main 2024 is 93.2 percentile. In 2023, it was 90.7 and in 2022, it was 88.4. The cut-off for EWS candidates this year is 81.3 percentile, OBC 79.6, SC 60, and ST 46.6. This year, 56 candidates have secured 100 percentile.
The top 2.5 lakh students of JEE Main 2024 will get a chance to appear in JEE Advanced. In this, seats of all categories have been reserved in advance. Students who score better marks in JEE Advanced will be selected for IIT. Only those who get at least below 10,000 rank will be able to get a place in IIT. Whereas to get admission to the top 10 IITs of the country, students have to score within 1000 to 3000 ranks. In this also there will be more competition for the Computer Science or CS branch as it is usually the first choice of students.
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