Characteristics of an Aries in Love
They tell you that they're in love. According to Garbis, "Aries has a natural courageousness to tell you how they feel. They cannot hold things back or keep things secret for very long. If an Aries likes you, they will find ways to tell you." Rams tend to be very direct in general, so you don't normally need to read between the lines to tell if they're into you or not—they'll make their feelings clear.
They make you a priority. When an Aries is in love, they put the person they love above pretty much anything else. If they have a conflict, they'll typically be quick to resolve it in your favor—unless it's literally a matter of life and death, of course. Garbis agrees that "if an Aries is spending time with you, that's another indicator that they are interested in you."
They become protective over you. Your typical Aries has a protective streak a mile wide for people they love. If your ram is fussing over you and frequently worries about your safety, it's likely that they're falling head over heels for you. You'll also notice this when you go out with them. For example, they might insist that you walk on the inside of the sidewalk while they walk next to traffic to keep you safe.
They ask for your input and opinion. An Aries is normally pretty confident in their own decisions. If they start asking you what you think, it's likely because they love you and want you to be involved in the decision-making process. This doesn't necessarily mean that they'll start letting you make decisions—an Aries likes to be the one in charge—but if they love you, they definitely want to take your concerns into account.
They let you take the lead—once in a while. An Aries will always be more comfortable in front, but if they're in love with you, they'll give you the opportunity. They're excited to see what you can do and want to watch you shine. Besides that, rams think confidence is really hot. Rest assured that they'll still want to be the one in charge more often than not—but when they offer to let you take over, consider it a sign that they really love you.
They will buy you presents "just because." Giving gifts is considered an Aries love language because they just adore spoiling the people they love. If your ram has a little token of their affection every time you see them, chances are they're smitten. Gifts from an Aries can run the gamut from practical things that they know you need to decorative items they simply thought you would like.
They will be very physically affectionate. Another Aries love language is "touch." Folks born under this sign are just really physical, so expressing love through physical affection comes naturally. In public situations, they might also use physical affection to communicate to the world that you belong to them. If you're uncomfortable with physical affection in particular contexts, let your Aries know! They're trying to show that they love you, not make you uncomfortable.
They plan elaborate dates. The typical Aries loves to plan and strategize. They also hate being bored, so expect the dates they plan to be whirlwinds of activity. As long as you can keep up with them, you'll know that they love you if they make sure every date is fun and exciting. For example, you might go out to dinner followed by pub trivia and round out the night with some late-night bowling or miniature golf. And that would be a slow, relaxing night for the typical Aries!
They turn everything into a competition. Aries might be the most competitive sign in the zodiac. They simply love to compete, and they love to win, and they'll make a competition out of anything if you let them—even love. If they're constantly trying to compete with you, it's likely because they're starting to fall for you. The other aspect of this is that if they're trying to compete with you, that means that they're interested in spending time with you and getting to know you—another sign they might be head over heels!
Attracting an Aries
Go on adventures and try new things. Aries folks tend to be on the lookout for things they've never experienced before, so if you see any off-the-wall events or opportunities near you, that's a great way to snag an Aries. If you're chatting up an Aries, talking about your favorite trips and any wild or daring things you've done will capture their interest
Get involved with a sport or physical activity. Aries is a very physical sign and its natives (people born under the sign) are considered natural athletes. So if you're looking to catch the eye of that gorgeous ram, doing something physical is a great way to do it. Look for community or rec leagues in your favorite sport to get started. Not much of an athlete? Don't worry! The typical Aries is just as attracted to an enthusiastic supporter cheering them on from the stands.
Stand up for yourself and others. Aries folks aren't going to let anyone walk all over them and they tend to be attracted to people who are equally assertive. If you want to attract an Aries, don't back down. When you stand up for what's right, they'll admire your strength and determination. For example, if you see someone being bullied, you might step in and stick up for them to get the bullying to stop.
Let them chase you. An Aries is all about the thrill of the chase. Definitely be direct about your initial interest, but then pull back a little and give that ram some space to pursue you. They typically prefer if the ball is perpetually in their court and they're the ones driving the relationship forward. This doesn't mean you shouldn't ever ask an Aries out—just keep in mind that typically, they prefer being the pursuer to being pursued.
Act playfully suggestive when you're around them. It's not that an Aries wants you to play hard-to-get—they just don't want you to be easy to get. Well-placed banter and a suggestive gesture or two can serve to remind them of what they don't have (at least not yet). This kind of teasing has the potential to drive an Aries up the wall. Garbis mentions that "if you poke at an Aries lightly and flirtatiously, and make them a little mad, it might drive them wild." "But tread lightly," she continues. "Aries anger is not something to toy with. But if you do make an Aries's blood boil a little, they will think about you a lot, and it may make them go wild with wanting to see you again." Eyedealism notes that an Aries woman in particular "likes a challenge. She likes powerful men. She wants a man who's stronger than her."
What's it like to date an Aries?
They won't lie or hide anything from you. An Aries is an open book, and this might be one of the most refreshingly wonderful things about dating an Aries. People born under this sign tend to be honest to a fault, which means they'll never hesitate to tell you the truth—even if they know it might upset you. Aries folks are known for being direct and straightforward, so make sure you're the same with them. They get really confused when they have to deal with someone who tries to hide how they really feel.
You're not likely to be bored. With an Aries around, there's never a dull moment. Their active energy keeps them on the go and it likely seems like they've always got something going on. While you might feel like you can't catch your breath, you won't have to worry about feeling like you're in a rut. Aries folks tend to be all about the spontaneous adventure, too—as long as they're the ones in charge, of course. Garbis remarked that she "wouldn't advise becoming a competitor to Aries and trying to do everything that they do, but rather, be a spectator or do something to complement them." "Be their favorite fan or collaborator and cheer them on and they will love and adore you," Garbis continued.
They expect to make most of the decisions in the relationship. This doesn't mean they won't consult you, but an Aries is typically accustomed to being a leader. Taking the lead comes naturally to them and—perhaps more importantly—it's where they feel the most comfortable. If you like to be in charge of some things too, think about carving out spheres of influence that you really care about. Let your Aries know that they can handle everything else as long as you have control over the things that are really important to you.
They will always have your best interests at heart. This is important to remember if you're in a relationship with an Aries because they tend to be big believers in "tough love." They just want you to live your best and most fulfilling life—which means they might get on you about your bad habits from time to time. Garbis agrees that "if an Aries is fighting with you, then they fiercely love you, but may need to find better ways to understand or express it." If you disagree with your Aries, or if they believe you should change something that you're not ready to give up yet, this might cause some issues between you. Just try to remember that what they're saying and doing is coming from a place of love. If they didn't love you and care about you, they wouldn't care what you do either.
Aries Red Flags
They spend all of their time lounging on the couch. An Aries is typically in constant motion, always going somewhere or doing something. If they're stuck in couch potato mode, that's a pretty sure sign that something's going on with them. Keep in mind that this might not have anything to do with you. They could be in the dumps for any number of reasons. Mention the change to them in a neutral way and invite them to talk to you about it. For example, you might say, "I've noticed you haven't gone to the gym all week. Would you like to talk about it?"
They don't want to talk about anything. Normally when you're around an Aries, it's hard to get a word in edgewise. If your ram has clammed up and gives you a one- or two-word response to any question you ask, it's likely something's up. Garbis notes that "Aries loves attention and they will go where they find it. If they are not seeking any time or attention from you and they have nothing else going on, that may be a sign that their interest is wandering or that they are getting bored."
They seem content to let you make all of the decisions. An Aries tends to be more comfortable in the driver's seat. If they're letting you take the wheel or deferring to you constantly, there could be a deeper issue at play. Talk to them about it, using "I" language to express your feelings in a less confrontational way. For example, you might say, "I feel uncomfortable when you ask me to make all of the decisions. I feel distanced from you. Can we talk about it?"
What are an Aries's weaknesses in love?
Aries can be quick to anger. Aries is a fire sign, after all, and they tend to feel everything with the intensity of a thousand suns—including anger. While they might explode, though, they also tend to burn out quickly and are just as quick to apologize and make amends. After you've been with an Aries for a little while, you'll start to pick up on some of their triggers so that you know when to leave them alone. Eyedealism agrees that "you do not want to get into an argument with an Aries," which she notes "is very easy to do." "Aries is also a very aggressive sign," Eyedealism notes. "They don't like weakness."
An Aries can be overwhelming. That passion and intensity can be invigorating for some and exhausting for others. It can be super challenging for an Aries to slow down if their partner needs them to, so they tend to look for someone who they know can keep up with them. If you find yourself feeling overwhelmed, try to take some time to yourself to recharge so you're better able to handle their intensity.
Aries needs constant validation and encouragement. If you're partnered with a ram, expect "cheerleader" to be part of your job. You would never know, but hiding behind their confident exterior, Aries folks tend to have pretty fragile self-esteem that requires regular reinforcement. Whenever you see or hear something that you like about your ram, tell them about it! They'll feel good if you're feeding them compliments and showing them how much you're into them.
Aries Compatibility
Aries tends to get along best with other fire signs. They share the same element, which means that Aries shares the same basic nature and temperament with Leo and Sagittarius. These active, passionate people can create strong connections with each other. While they might seem like natural companions, two fire signs can also butt heads. The intensity of their connection can lead to some pretty spectacular fireworks.
Aries ignites the curiosity and passion of air signs. Fire and air make an explosive combination—in a very good way. Aries is spontaneous and air signs (Aquarius, Gemini, Libra) are always up for adventure. There's never a dull moment in this relationship. That Aries preference for direct communication works great with air signs, who've raised communication skills to a high art. Air signs do tend to be fairly independent, though. There could be a potential for conflict if the air sign feels that Aries is being too domineering or controlling.
Water signs tend to dampen Aries's flame. For whatever reason, rams tend to be drawn to water signs (Cancer, Pisces, Scorpio)—but these relationships tend to be pretty short lived, if they get off the ground at all. The biggest issue? Water signs are just as intense as Aries, but in a totally different way that Aries just can't understand. It's possible for a relationship between an Aries and a water sign to work, but they have to be willing to work together as equals. If one tries to dominate the other, the relationship will likely fizzle out.
Aries and Earth signs are like oil and water. Aries just doesn't tend to mix well with the Earth signs (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn). The ram is spontaneous, active, and passionately pursues new things. Earth signs are much more grounded, practical, and conservative in ways that Aries just doesn't understand. It's not that Aries and Earth signs don't get along—it's more that they just don't understand each other at all. As a practical matter, it's unlikely that an Aries would frequently cross paths with an Earth sign because they're into totally different things.
Aries Fast Facts
Aries people tend to be active and enthusiastic. It's fitting that Aries is symbolized by the ram, because people born under this sign believe in taking life by the horns. They're assertive leaders who can come across to some as being a little too domineering, but they do have everyone's best interests at heart and deeply care for everyone who's close to them. Symbol: the ram Dates: March 21—April 19 Ruling planet: Mars Element: fire Modality: cardinal Keywords: active, leading, aggressive, energetic, assertive, passionate, dominant, independent Aries Celebrities: Lady Gaga, Lil Nas X, Emma Watson, Paul Rudd, Kourtney Kardashian, Kristen Stewart, Zach Braff
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