What is the violet flame?
The violet flame represents a spiritual fire that can transform energy. The violet flame burns away anything that blocks your spiritual energy, whether negative thoughts, feelings, or trauma you’re experiencing. These spiritual blocks come in the form of anger, fear, hate, jealousy, or the inability to forgive. The violet flame works as a spiritual form of alchemical transmutation. In alchemy, base elements are changed into gold; in spirituality, the violet flame changes these negative qualities into positive ones. Saint Germain is considered the keeper of the violet flame. St. Germain was an 18th-century mystic and alchemist who is referred to as the “ascended master” and “the violet flame,” because of his association with the Aquarian spiritual movement. This movement describes new age organizations that believe in and work with the violet flame.
The violet flame symbolizes the highest frequency in the light spectrum. It acts as a ray of sunlight passing through a prism, which refracts into 7 colors; in this way, spiritual light presents as 7 different rays. The violet ray is considered the 7th of the spiritual rays, as well as an aspect of the Holy Spirit. The violet ray acts as a bridge that connects the physical world to the spiritual one. By invoking the 7th violet ray, we can call upon a “flame” that transforms painful memories in our minds and bodies into peace and calm. Violet is a color linked with spiritual transmutation and transformation. visualization, spiritual growth, and healing. It also relates to the crown chakra, which helps you connect to the divine consciousness. Meditating on the color violet can help balance your chakras while helping you stay focused on your higher consciousness.
What are the benefits of the violet flame?
Working with violet flame energy has numerous benefits. You can invoke and visualize the violet flame to alter the energy you feel in your spirit and body. The process is said to both raise the vibration in your body and improve your wellbeing. Most notably, connecting to violet flame energy has the power to heal trauma and help you move beyond it. Channel positive energy: Transform negative energy into positive energy. Elevate energetic vibration: Raise your vibration to invite peace and joy. Trust intuition: Gain a clearer sense of what you want and how you can achieve it. Improve wellbeing: Find calm, reduce stress, and gain mental clarity. Healing of trauma: Let go of negative karma and old patterns of thought. Find twin flame: Connect to the pure love found in twin flame energy.
How to Practice Violet Flame Meditation
Find a quiet, peaceful location free of distractions. Sit in a comfortable position using a chair or on a pillow on the floor. Close your eyes and breathe in and out deeply a few times. By concentrating on your breath, you can begin to let go of any tension you felt previously.
Focus on your intention. Channel your mental energy toward a particular issue or problem you’re facing. You can also direct your thoughts to a positive outcome you’d like to see in your life. Concentrate on whatever your intention is and, rather than trying to shut out any distractions, acknowledge them and let them pass by.
Breathe consciously to release tension. Slowly inhale through your nose so your lungs fill up with air. Hold the breath in for a few moments and then exhale through your mouth. As you breathe, your belly should rise and fall, which allows your body to more completely relax into the meditation.
Visualize a sphere of white light. Allow the white light to surround your body and encompass your being. You should feel a sense of protection from the white light, as if it envelops you completely. Concentrate on the purity of its bright light and how powerful yet safe it feels around and within you.
Transform the white light into a violet flame. By focusing on the white light turning into a violet flame, you’re working to transform any negative energy, blockage, or past trauma into positive energy. Allow your mind, emotions, and body to feel cleansed by the violet flame. Move your visualization over each part of your body until you feel the presence of the violet flame in every cell.
Join the violet flame to your original intention. Invite the violet flame into whatever your intention was at the start of the meditation. Visualize the powerful purple flames burning away your negative emotions, traumatic experiences, or bad karma. This is a good time to use a mantra if you’re including one in your violet flame mediation.
Ground the violet flame energy so it dissolves into your being. Picture it slowly fading away into the distance of your mind’s eye. Though the flame may disappear, you can take its positive energy into yourself completely. This ensures you continue to embrace the violet flame transformation in your everyday life. Once this is complete, slowly open your eyes and allow the feeling of calm to remain.
Violet Flame Mantras
A mantra is a set of words you can use during a violet flame meditation. Popular mantras to say during the violet flame meditation come from the “I AM” movement, which bases its teachings on Saint Germain, the keeper of the violet flame. You can also use candle magic to further emphasize your intention during your violet flame meditation and mantra practice. I AM a being of violet fireI AM the purity God desires.Earth is a planet of violet fireEarth is the purity God desires. I AM THAT I AM,In the name Saint Germain,Blaze and expand now the violet flame! Let Violet Fire of Freedom rollRound the world to make all whole;Saturate the earth and its people, too,With increasing Christ-radiance shining through.I AM this action from God above,Sustained by the hand of heaven’s Love,Transmuting the causes of discord here,Removing the cores so that none do fear.
Violet Flame FAQs
What does it mean when a flame is purple? If you attempt to make colored fire in a scientific experiment, you may notice purple-colored flame; this is due to a chemical reaction. A purple flame usually represents electrons engaged in rapid movement which causes a bright flash of light to appear. A flame that appears ultra-violet or indigo typically has the hottest temperatures and can arise from different elements, such as potassium.
Which archangel has a violet flame? The archangel Zadkiel is associated with a violet flame. Though not one of the 12 traditional archangels, Zadkiel appears in lesser-known Christian and Jewish religious texts, like the Book of Enoch. He is the archangel of forgiveness and mercy, and appears with a dagger in one hand and a violet flame in the other. He’s called the “angel of transmutation” and is linked to the 7th violet ray of transformation and purification.
What meanings are associated with the violet aura? Those in the Reiki tradition are taught how to see auras around people. Those with a violet or purple aura have a strong sense of intuition. They also easily connect to the divine or universal consciousness around them. They are so in-tune with the universe that they can feel disconnected to those who don’t share the same connection. In those cases, they sometimes need an aura cleansing to feel balanced again.
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