What does Shrimps Is Bugs mean?
“Shrimps is bugs” is a catchphrase that claims that shrimp are bugs. The phrase came from a viral Reddit post and quickly became an internet meme. Part of the reason why it’s funny is because it seems true—shrimp look a lot like other insects. The bad grammar and the uncapitalized, small font that many of the memes use also add to the phrase’s comedic effect. Since the phrase is talking about the entire species of shrimp, the correct version of the sentence should be “shrimps are bugs.” The meme is also funny because it originally came from a picture of a tattoo, which means someone liked the phrase enough to permanently inscribe it on their body.
Where does the “Shrimps Is Bugs” meme come from?
The Shrimps Is Bugs meme is from a tattoo posted on Reddit. In May 2023, Reddit user u/Lewbular posted a photo of a tattoo above his knee that says “shrimps is bugs” (along with a smaller tattoo of a hand above it) to the subreddit, r/tattoodesigns. The user then asked fellow Redditors for “Cover up suggestions?” The original post says, “I need ideas for a horizontal design for this dumb tattoo I got above my knee when I was 19. I like American traditional/black and grey type stuff but I haven’t been able to find any designs that would cover it and look good. Any ideas are appreciated. P.s. the little guy above it can stay or go as long as shrimps is bugs is covered.” The post quickly went viral and has over 2,000 comments. The most popular responses ask the original poster not to get rid of the tattoo because it’s so hilarious. The top comment is by a deleted user, who said “This may be the best tattoo I’ve ever seen. It would be a travesty to get it covered. Now, what you should do is get a frame tattoo around it.” In the r/ShrimpsIsBugs subreddit (which was created a day after the post was made) u/Lewbular eventually posted “...holy sh*t. Alright fine I’ll keep it.”
Other “Shrimps Is Bugs” memes are inspired by u/Lewbular’s post. Since w/Lewbular’s post, users have been sharing their own tattoos to the r/ShrimpsIsBugs subreddit. Redditor u/TyrannosaurusWreckd posted a photo of a shrimp with the phrase in ribbons above and below it, with the caption “Looking for cover up suggestions,” referencing the original post. u/Fl1pper_ shared a picture of the tattooed phrase with the caption “Never get drunk around someone with a tattoo machine.” The phrase has also been printed on hats, shirts, and other items. In the r/ShrimpsIsBugs subreddit, u/g0back2bed posted a picture of a cake with two shrimps and the famous phrase drawn in icing. Other users on the subreddit share memes and pictures about real shrimps, along with images of their pets lying curled up in “shrimp-like” positions.
Are Shrimps Really Bugs?
No, shrimps are technically crustaceans while bugs are insects. Shrimps come from the scientific class Crustacea, while bugs are part of the Insecta class. However, shrimps and bugs share a common ancestor that lived half a billion years ago, and they have a lot of physical similarities. For example, both have exoskeletons and no backbone. Not all insects are bugs. Bugs (or “true bugs”) come from the Hemiptera group under the Insecta class. True bugs include cicadas, bed bugs, and planthoppers. Bugs and shrimps belong to the Arthropod phylum (or group). Arthropods include animals with invertebrates, segmented bodies, and jointed legs, like insects, arachnids, and crustaceans.
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