Countdown for US presidential race begins, Obama leads
Countdown for US presidential race begins, Obama leads
The US Presidential election is scheduled for November 4.

Washington: With just three weeks to go, the countdown to the big American Presidential election has begun which is scheduled to for November 4.

According to latest figures from CNN's poll of polls Democrat candidate Barack Obama's lead has fallen by 2 points, but he still has a clear 6 point lead over Republican John McCain.

The poll indicates that 49 per cent of Americans say that Obama is their choice of president while 43 per cent back McCain.

Meanwhile 8 per cent of those questioned were undecided.

According to , new Washington Post-ABC News poll, for the first time in the general-election campaign, voters gave the Democrat a clear edge on tax policy and providing strong leadership.

McCain has made little headway in his attempts to convince voters that Obama is "too risky" or "too liberal."

Rather, recent strategic shifts may have hurt the Republican nominee, who now has higher negative ratings than his rival and is seen as mostly attacking his opponent rather than addressing the issues that voters care about.

"Even McCain's supporters are now less enthusiastic about his candidacy, returning to levels not seen since before the Republican National Convention," the Post reported.

Conversely, Obama's pitch to the middle class on taxes is beginning to sink in, it said, noting that nearly as many Americans said they think their taxes would go up under a McCain administration as under an Obama presidency, and more see their burdens easing with the Democrat in the White House.

The poll was conducted after the second Obama-McCain debate on October 8, which most voters said did not sway their opinions much.

Still, voters' impressions of Obama are up, and views of McCain have slipped.

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