Diana shares a beautiful truth
Diana shares a beautiful truth
Hyderabadi girl Diana Hayden, who is not only 1997s Miss World, but also a model, actress and a philanthropist, recently added another feather to her cap that of an author. She was in the city to launch her first book, titled
A Beautiful Truth

She’s beautiful, she’s smart, and when she starts talking, it usually goes on. We’re talking about ex-Miss World and Hyderabadi girl Diana Hayden, who recently turned into a self-published author with her first book A Beautiful Truth, which is all about the art of grooming for women. In a quick chat with City Express, the beauty pageant winner gets talking about her book, her struggles and her life so far.

Tell us a little about your book ­– A Beautiful Truth.

My book teaches women the art of grooming. I used to take classes on grooming and realised that there was so much to share with women. I thought to myself as to why should I restrict this information to women who attend my classes. That’s when I decided to write a book. And, two-and-a-half years later and after a lot of hard-work, this book is finally ready to be read.

The book talks about beauty, grooming and dressing up. Considering that beauty is skin deep, don’t you think this book is promoting a shallow aspect?

Absolutely not. This book does not promote that one should be good looking. It talks about various things – about conversation, body hygiene, culture, and many other aspects that we come across in our daily life. This book is far from being shallow.

Did you always want to be a writer?

My writing skills were restricted to writing letters to a pen pal I had back in my school days. After that I had never written anything. And, I honestly never really had a specific ambition in life. I just knew that whatever I did, I needed to give it my best. That’s what I have done with this book. I don’t think I can do anything more with it. I have given it my 100 per cent.

How was the experience of putting everything together – right from research, writing and even publishing?

The experience was very taxing. When I started writing the book, I gave myself around six to eight months to finish it. But, it took me two-and-a-half years to actually finish it. So many questions used to come up, and that in turn made me do a lot more research. A Beautiful Truth has

everything – and I have used charts and pictures to explain things a lot more clearly. I have also incorporated anecdotes from my life.   

Now that the book is out, do you have any regrets?

No. I have done the best I can. If people still don’t accept it, there’s nothing I can do about it.

You dropped out of school in your eighth standard. Tell us a little about how that happened.

My parents split when I was in my eighth standard. It was the same time when I was studying in St Ann’s school, and dropped out of school. It was an emotional time for everyone. I started working from the age of 14. It was during my work that one of my clients forced me to apply for Miss India. I also studied drama. But, I have not really had the conventional formal education that everyone goes through. Even though I didn’t study much, I have learnt a lot from life, which is more important.

Since you have grown up in Hyderabad, any memories from the city that you would like to share?

This city has changed a lot from the time I used to live here. Even though I don’t visit Hyderabad very often – it feels very nice to come back as it’s where I grew up. And, whenever I am here, I make sure I take back a lot of Biryani and Haleem.

Next book?

My next book is going to be a counterpart of my first book – it will be on the art of grooming for men. And I surely will not take two-and-a-half years for this one (laughs).

Any films in the pipeline?

Yes. I am doing a supernatural thriller, which is based on a true story. It should be out soon.

Your message to all the women out there.

I would like to tell them that one will never know their potential until they push their limits. That is what I have done with this book, and they should do the same.



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