IGCAR allays N-fears
IGCAR allays N-fears

The circumferential welds in reactor pressure vessels (RPV) do not cause any damage to the nuclear plants or to the environment, said an official from Indira Gandhi Centre for Atomic Research (IGCAR), Kalpakkam.

Speaking to Express, Dr P Chellapandi, Director, Reactor Design Group, IGCAR, said, “It causes no damage either to the plants or to the local people”.  In the event of submitting quality records on ‘Forming Technology Development of Inner Vessel for future CFBR’ by K R R Engineering Private Limited, to IGCAR, Dr Chellapandi stated that in Fast Breeder Reactors (FBR), there was no concept of waste. “After studying the Fukushima mishap, we know that problems in coolability of the plants was the main reason that caused the mishap. In FBR, these can be handled,” he said. 

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