Kasab's identity was C-7096 during his jail term
Kasab's identity was C-7096 during his jail term
The number was tagged to Kasab by the Arthur Road jail authorities and only top security officials had access to his files.

New Delhi: Ajmal Kasab's identity remained 'C-7096' throughout his prison term and even when an official dossier was written for his hanging. The movement and activities of Kasab, who was hanged in Pune's Yerwada Jail, was always kept very secret and when official documents were moved regarding his hanging after the President rejected his mercy plea, he was identified by this number.

The number was tagged to Kasab by the authorities at the Arthur Road jail and sources said only top officials in the security establishment had access to files related to inmate number 'C-7096'. Sources said when Kasab was moved from Mumbai to Yerwada jail in Pune the same number was used to communicate signals of his movement.

Meanwhile, his defence lawyers expressed surprise at the "sudden" hanging of the lone surviving Pakistani terrorist in the Mumbai attack and raised questions over the execution being shrouded in secrecy. "I was shocked. It was all of a sudden. Why was the execution shrouded in such secrecy," Defence lawyer Amin Farhana Shah said. Shah along with Amin Solkar and Abbas Kazmi appeared for

Kasab in the sessions and Bombay High Court.

"May be guarding him for so long was becoming a burden on the exchequer. But why the secrecy ?" Solkar told PTI. Solkar, however, said it is good that the government expedited this case as it must have been done in the interest of the society and victims. Solkar and Shah defended Kasab in the High Court after

they were appointed by it to appear for the accused.

Kazmi, who appeared for Kasab before the sessions court, opined that the government might have taken Kasab's mercy petition out of turn as it was an exceptional case. "This case had international ramifications also. The common man was waiting for this execution. Even the victims will be at some peace now," he said.

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