Revolt against Mush: al-Qaeda to Pak citizens
Revolt against Mush: al-Qaeda to Pak citizens
Zawahri has issued message urging all Pakistanis to avenge attack on mosque.

New Delhi: Pakistan President Pervez Musharraf is facing backlash after the Lal Masjid operation. After hardliners at home, al-Qaeda’s second in command, Ayman al-Zawahri has issued an audio message urging all Pakistanis to avenge the attack on the mosque.

The four-and-a-half minute address focused on the recent clashes between the Pakistani army and Islamic clerics at the mosque. This is Zawahri's second message this week.

In the tape Zawahri said, "Musharraf won't spare any one of you, and won't stop until he eradicates Islam from Pakistan. He has sold his honour and religion to the crusaders and Jews. Rigged elections will not save you, politics will not save you."

"If you do not revolt, Musharraf will annihilate you. Musharraf will not stop until he uproots Islam from Pakistan," Zawahiri said.

The recording was hosted on a website known to publish al-Qaeda statements.

Talking about the Muslims in Pakistan he said, "No salvation for you except through jihad (holy fight). You should now support the mujahedeen (holy warriors) in Afghanistan," he said.

"Are there no honourable men in Pakistan?" he added.

Security forces have already gone on nationwide alert for potential revenge attacks for the mosque storming, including possible suicide blasts.

Pakistani troops have now cleared the final clutch of extremists from the Lal Masjid after two days of intense fighting that left at least 73 rebels and nine soldiers dead.

Commandos killed the final hardcore of rebels who fought to the death in tunnels and bunkers beneath the living quarters of their chief, pro-Taliban cleric Abdul Rashid Ghazi, who was shot dead late on Tuesday.

Ghazi and students at the mosque, which houses a female madrassa, had been involved in an aggressive Taliban-style campaign for Islamic law in the capital, including the kidnapping of seven Chinese accused of prostitution.

Musharraf ordered the assault after talks with Ghazi to free the women and children allegedly held during the siege collapsed. The siege itself left 24 people dead, including two soldiers.

(with agency inputs)

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