Friendship Day: 9 Traits You Have A Close Toxic Friend
Friendship Day: 9 Traits You Have A Close Toxic Friend
Friendship is one of the most cherished relations, but people need to be very particular about whom they include in their ‘close friends list.’

Friendship day is a day to honour the relationship of love, trust, respect that we have with our friends. Friendship Day is one of the many celebrations which is held across the globe.

This year, the day will be celebrated on August 1 in India. Friendship is one of the most cherished relations, but people need to be very particular about whom they include in their ‘close friends list.’No matter how much you love someone, the relation, in the end, has to be healthy for you.

Therefore, we bring you the 9 traits of a toxic friend and if your friend has the same, then it will be wise for you to end the oh-so-difficult relation.1. Self-absorbed – You must not at all get close to a person who is totally self-absorbed. Such friends most of the time don’t listen to what you say as they might be too busy in their own little world.2.

Manipulative – Who likes manipulative people in their lives? Absolutely no one. If you have a friend who always likes to play victim or gives you guilt-tripping, then they are not the ones who should keep around. When you point out some wrong or shady stuff they did, such people deflect you by changing the subject.3.

They are never wrong – At some point in time we all have had made mistakes or we might make mistakes in the coming future, cause at the end of the day we are humans. But people who never accept their mistakes, how can you have a healthy relation with them? Because in the end every time it's you who have to apologize, no matter it was your mistake or not.4.

Competitors and Copiers – Toxic people never let someone else bask in their progress and attention. If your friend always competes with you and makes you feel down, toxic person alarm. In conditions of envy, a negative vibe starts coming and its quite difficult to be in that setting with someone.5. Don’t respect your ‘CODES’ – we are actually talking about the codes or rules or pacts, whatever you name it. All friendships have a set of rules which are laid and friends who don’t respect that, don’t deserve to be called friends. For example, is it okay to date your friend’s ex? I mean without thinking it’s a no! But this is not compulsory for all, it again depends on your codes.6.

Don’t care about feelings – Let’s be very clear that people who don’t care about feelings, should be removed from the ‘close people list.’ A person who is not empathetic or compassionate, who never lends a shoulder to cry on, or who always says, ‘get over it,’ should not be called a friend. Friendships cannot be everlasting if two people are emotionally detached and don’t really care about each other’s mess.7.

People who take away more and give less – A major trait of Toxic people is selfishness. Such people just know how to take your attention, care, love but when it comes to reciprocating, they flip. Relations are also investments, no one wishes to invest in a person which yields no returns.8. Their life is surrounded by Drama – Always fighting with someone or the other, overreacting at small things, making mountains out of molehills, always wanting to be centre of attraction, such people are awful to keep up with. No matter how much you love a person, if they have such traits, its better to part ways.9.

Turn to you always for help – It is very important to learn your place in someone’s life. For this, one must possess observational powers. If someone always turns to you for help, or when they are in some sort of trouble – then you are just problem-solver in their lives, not a friend. Either wash away the title or keep a distance from such people.

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