Men Just as Emotional as Women, There Emotions Vary to Same Degree: New Study
Men Just as Emotional as Women, There Emotions Vary to Same Degree: New Study
In another study, women in countries like Iran, Sri Lanka, and India were found to be more capable of effectively dealing with emotions than men.

Many of us grew up hearing the centuries-old stereotype that women are more emotional than men, despite there being no evidence to prove it. And yet, the stereotype that women are more emotional, unstable, and likely to have behavioural problems have been passed on from generation to generation.

Now, a study conducted by scientists at the University of Michigan has found that men are just as emotional as women. Researchers, rubbishing the stereotype, have claimed that both women and men are equally emotional.

To conduct the study, both positive and negative aspects of the daily routine of 142 men and women were studied over 75 days. The study was conducted before the outbreak of the coronavirus pandemic across the world.

Adriene Beltz, assistant professor of psychology at the University of Michigan, and her colleagues claimed that no significant difference was found and emotions in men varied to the same degree as women. To support the result, the scientist said that the emotional fluctuations that a man develops during any sports event are called passionate, but if the event causes emotional changes in a woman’s behaviour, it is just simply called irrational.

The researchers further stated that women cannot be assigned the tag of “emotional” just because of hormones. Emotional change in one’s behaviour occurs due to hormonal changes, but many other reasons can also be prominently behind it.

In another recent study, women in countries like Iran, Sri Lanka, and India were found to be more capable of effectively dealing with emotions than men.

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