Struggling With Back Acne? 7 Tips To Treat Them
Struggling With Back Acne? 7 Tips To Treat Them
Back acne generally lasts longer on our body compared to facial acne, whiteheads or blackheads.

Acne commonly appears on our face, but sometimes it can occur on our back as well, which is usually known as Back Acne. Although back acne is always not visible to everyone, the skin problem can cause significant discomfort. Back acne generally lasts longer on our body compared to facial acne, whiteheads or blackheads. If left untreated, it can cause intense irritation in the affected parts of the body. If you are having this skin condition, follow these tips to get rid of it:

Bath every time after sweating: Clogged pores are the major causes of acne. It is advised to bathe thoroughly after sweating. This might help you to manage the skin problem.

Use chemical-free body wash or soap: If you are suffering from back acne problems then always prefer to use chemical-free body wash or soap. Avoid using hard scrubs as it can increase the irritation and worsen the existing acne.

Avoid wearing tight clothes: Tight clothes, especially those made with synthetic materials can cause more sweat leading to acne and rashes. Wear loose and light-coloured clothes to manage the skin condition.

Use special creams: Use creams and gels containing benzoyl peroxide or salicylic acid in the affected areas of your skin. These creams and gels can help to reduce the inflammation and swelling of the acne while spreading up the healing process.

Use Moisturisers: Everyone’s skin needs hydration. Using moisturisers in the affected areas can help to prevent dryness and reduce inflammation. Always use oil-free moisturisers to get better results.

Avoid touching the affected areas: Never press or scratch back acne with your hands. Doing so can put the bacteria present in your body to go deep in your skin increasing the chances of infections.

Tea Tree Oil: Use tea oil on the back acne as it has natural antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. Before going to sleep, apply tea oil by mixing it with coconut oil and leave it overnight.

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