What Is Sinusitis? A Look At Its Symptoms And Treatment
What Is Sinusitis? A Look At Its Symptoms And Treatment
Sinus occurs when these air cavities become blocked or fill up with fluid due to inflammation or infection.

Many people suffer from sinus congestion, be it in winter or during other seasons. Typically, you will experience pain around your eyes, throbbing headache, stuffy nose — everything indicating that you are suffering from sinusitis. But what is sinusitis? Sinuses are air-filled cavities, located behind the forehead, chin, nose and eyes. Sinus occurs when these air cavities become blocked or fill up with fluid due to inflammation or infection caused by bacteria, viruses, or fungi. It can be short-term or chronic. Sinusitis is quite common when the weather is cold and the symptoms can strike at any time causing discomfort. While over-the-counter medicines can be a great way to combat the symptoms and ease your discomfort, there are a few home remedies that might work against sinusitis.

What are the symptoms?

When sinuses get inflamed, they start making excessive mucus, which causes a stuffed up feeling in your nose, face or head. A few signs of this congestion are:

– Stuffed or runny nose

– Trouble breathing through your nose

– Pain pressure in the face, especially swelling near cheeks, forehead and eyes

– ⁠ Yellow or green lumpy discharge from the nose

– ⁠ Hoarseness in the throat, cough, headache or pain behind the eyes

– ⁠ Weaker sense of smell and taste

– ⁠ Fatigue, fever and body aches

Sinusitis can make you feel very uncomfortable. So, if you have chronic symptoms, you must consult a doctor. Meanwhile, there are a few home remedies that you can try.

– Nasal spray

You can use a saline solution to flush out mucus, allergens and irritants from your nose. When using nasal spray, make sure that the dropper of the spray is properly sterilised. Use only distilled or boiled water to avoid infections.

– Steam inhalation

Inhaling steam will moisturise the nasal and the respiratory tract, loosening the mucus and relieving nasal congestion. All you need to do is boil water in a vessel. Take it out of the flame, and inhale the steam by putting a towel in your head to make sure the steam does not escape.

– Massages

A warm massage with a cotton towel or cotton ball soaked and warm water on your face for 5 to 10 minutes can do the trick. It can relieve pain and pressure from the sinuses.

– Hydration

Make sure your body remains hydrated throughout the day, but sipping on water, herbs or soups. If your body is hydrated, it means your respiratory and nasal tract will remain moisturised.

– Humidifier

It’s great to add a humidifier to your house to add moisture to the dry air. It does not irritate the respiratory tract and helps in breathing better.

– Sleep with head elevated

While sleeping, make sure that your head is slightly elevated from your body. This will reduce nasal congestion and allow you to get a night of proper sleep.

– Avoid irritants

Avoid smoking, cigarettes, inhaling, strong odours or stepping out without a mask to prevent inhalation of dust particles on the road. This will prevent inflammation and irritation in the respiratory tract.

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