Why Breakfast Is The Most Important Meal Of The Day
Why Breakfast Is The Most Important Meal Of The Day
Poonam Duneja, founder and senior dietician of Nutrify by Poonam Diet and Wellness Clinic, New Delhi, in an interview with News18, weighed her opinion

You may have heard of the phrase, “Have breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince and dinner like a pauper.” Well, breakfast is one of the most important meals of the day. Right after waking up, everyone is advised to have a heavy breakfast. Yet, in the throes of the fast-paced grind, we tend to neglect or skip it. But as per health experts, breakfast is vital for your health. Skipping lunch may not have many repercussions on health, but skipping breakfast in the morning can be serious. But, why is breakfast considered so important?

Poonam Duneja, founder and senior dietician of Nutrify by Poonam Diet and Wellness Clinic, New Delhi, in an interview with News18, weighed her opinion. She said that people hit the bed after a few hours of dinner and for the next 7 to 8 hours, the body does not get any food. It is kind of like observing a fast that needs to be broken after waking up in the morning. Hence, the term break-fast. Having a meal in the morning provides plenty of energy to the body and boosts metabolism and mood.

Generally, people are in so much rush to get to the office that they generally indulge in buying foods from an eatery or making ready-to-make foods that may not have sufficient nutrient value. The dietician pointed out that the body needs healthy food early in the morning. If one skips the intake of necessary nutrients, the body will lack energy. It can also lead to an increased risk of stress, fatigue, obesity, and many other diseases. Not eating breakfast will lead you to munch throughout the day, which could cause overeating. It will result in an imbalance of the hormones and lead to weight gain. So, whenever you wake up early in the morning, indulge in a heavy and nutrient-packed breakfast like upma, chilla, smoothies, sandwiches, salads with paneer or chicken or soups.

Now, the next question arises, “What is the perfect time to have breakfast?” The expert suggests that there is no perfect time for breakfast, but ideally, it should be done within an hour or two after waking up. She opined that the sooner one has a meal after waking up, the faster it will post your metabolism. It is important to note that breakfast may improve your heart health and cognitive function. It can also help in controlling your blood sugar levels. Diabetic patients must never skip breakfast unless advised otherwise.

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