World Computer Literacy Day 2021: Theme, History, and Significance
World Computer Literacy Day 2021: Theme, History, and Significance
The goal of World Computer Literacy Day is also to motivate everyone to fully utilise information and communication technologies

Due to digitalization in today’s modern era, computers can now execute large computations in a split second and convey information from all over the world in the blink of an eye. However, many individuals are still unaware of how to operate a computer and how it works. That is why it is important to teach people about computer processes and theories so that they may simply utilise and benefit from it. To support this notion, every year on December 2, World Computer Literacy Day is observed throughout the globe.

Understanding computer programs and how computers function is referred to as computer literacy. It is regarded as the most important skill to have. The day works to bridge the digital divide that exists in the globe today. The goal of World Computer Literacy Day is also to motivate everyone to fully utilise information and communication technologies. It also aims atencouragingdigital literacy among the general public, particularly among children and teens.

Read: World Computer Literacy Day 2021: Here’s How to Increase Your Computer Literacy

World Computer Literacy Day: History and Significance

The origin of World Computer Literacy Day traces back in India, where an Indian company NIIT initiated this occasion of celebrating their 20th anniversary in 2001, where they noticed literacy ratio over computer usage. It was observed that over the globe, the number of computer users were just men, with women and children having a very low number of connections with PCs and other similar technologies.

Following that, with the goal of teachingnot only males but also women, the firm established the day. Since 2001, the day is observed every year.

In today’s world, we are fully reliant on the use of computers. As a result, on this day, activities and campaigns are organised all over the globe to promote and encourage people. Therefore, with the correct education experience, they may efficiently mark this day and begin to utilise computers for their digital progress.

World Literacy Day 2021: Theme

Every year, this day is observed with a different topic, and the theme for World Computer Literacy Day 2021 is “Literacy for human-centered recovery: Narrowing the digital divide.”

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