Suhana Khan, daughter of Bollywood actor Shah Rukh Khan, is keeping herself fit and maintaining her toned midriff with some serious pilates workout. The 21-year-old star kid shared a mirror selfie on her Instagram Stories on Monday where she showed her 1.9 million followers how she likes to follow her fitness routine. Suhana was dressed in grey gym wear that consisted of cycling shorts and a crop top. She also tied up her hair for the workout.
A student of film studies course in New York University's Tisch School of Arts, Suhana has been giving us a glimpse of New York from her perspective. In her latest Instagram post, Suhana shared a fun edit of her selfie where she described herself as a “cat lady.” In the picture that she shared on the photo-sharing app, Suhana can be seen dressed in a beige top with grey bottoms. She donned a blue cap to complement her look and wore minimal makeup.
Like any young college student, Suhana also likes to socialise and often posts pictures with her friends on her Instagram handle. The star-kid hosts her friends at her Manhattan apartment as was seen in a series of pictures from an Instagram post from April. Suhana's living room comes with some inspiring features similar to that of an upscale Manhattan lounge. The Instagram picture showed Suhana with her friends as she hosted a party, and also showed her New York home which comes with an island bar, pink neon glow-up sign, plush rugs, and floor-to-ceiling windows that gave her followers a view of the lit-up megacity outside.
For her birthday in May, Suhana turned to exude her glamorous side as she wore a mint coloured dress and posed for a picture on a balcony.
Suhana Khan turned 21 on May 22.
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