Tusshar Kapoor took to Instagram to share an adorable family picture from the Raksha Bandhan celebrations. The adorable snap featured Tusshar, his sister producer Ekta Kapoor and their father veteran actor Jitendra and mum Shobha Kapoor. Tusshar and Ekta’s little bundle of joy Lakshya and Ravie were also part of the photo.
Sharing the perfect family picture, the actor wrote, “The boys clearly didn’t wanna be a part of this pic (sic)!”.
Tusshar has also shared a picture of himself and Ekta from the Rakhi celebration. In the frame, the brother-sister duo look adorable as they pose for the lens.
#raakhee #love #sisterlove #alwayssgotyourback ❤️ #happyrakshabandhan A post shared by Tusshar (@tusshark89) onView this post on Instagram
Tusshar, who is very much active on social media, kept his online family updated with his COVID-19 lockdown activities. The actor has spent most of the period having quality time with his son Lakshya. He welcomed his son Laksshya through IVF and surrogacy in 2016.
In an interview with IANS, Tusshar opened up about when he felt like becoming a parent. He said, "I think the paternal instincts start coming in you when you start getting affectionate towards your pet and you start taking responsibilities like a parent should, you become calmer, more mature, you feel that there's an inner transformation that kind of naturally leads you in that direction”.
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