When Sanjay Dutt Opened up About His Drug Addiction, Watch Video
When Sanjay Dutt Opened up About His Drug Addiction, Watch Video
In a throwback video, Bollywood actor Sanjay Dutt opens up about the time he was a drug addict and had spent two years at a rehabilitation center in the US.

In a throwback video, which has now re-surfaced online, Bollywood actor Sanjay Dutt talks candidly about his drug addiction days and how he overcame the dark phase in his life with the help of his late filmmaker father Sunil Dutt.

Read: Sanjay Dutt Pitches in to Feed 1000 Families Amid Coronavirus Pandemic

In the video, the actor says, "It was morning and I was hungry. My mother had passed away then but I told my house help that I am hungry and asked him to give me some food. He said, 'Baba, it has been two day since you have eaten.' Then I went to the bathroom and looked myself in the mirror. I was in a dying condition and was bleeding from my mouth and nose."

Sanjay continues in the video, "I saw myself and went to Sunil Dutt, my father, at 7 am in the morning. I told him that I need help and I am a drug addict. I was a lucky man that my father took me to the US where I stayed in a drug cure center for two years. In the first year, I used to think to myself, let's have one more smoke but I made a promise to myself that neither will I do drugs and nor will encourage its use."

Sanjay also recounts his journey after returning home from the rehabilitation center. "I had come back and someone wanted to meet me. He was a drug peddler and gave me some drugs asking me to keep it. I had one second to decide whether I should take it or not and that is when I promised myself that I will never do drugs in my life. I then made a promise to my father that like he helped me, I too shall help someone in need," he said.

Check out the video:

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