Telangana: YSR Cong claims the decision has been taken under pressure
Telangana: YSR Cong claims the decision has been taken under pressure
YSR Congress leader DA Somayajulu claimed the Telangana resolution as an important political move for the Congress.

New Delhi: YSR Congress leader DA Somayajulu claimed that the Congress has been forced to take a decision on creating Telangana under political pressure. "There have been three meetings on the issue in the past and in all of them, except the Congress, all other parties had expressed their opinions on the same."

He claimed that this move is an an important one in the present political scenario. "The Congress is now taking a decision because the party cannot afford any more allies to move away from the UPA," he said.

The YSR Congress leader said that the Telangana issue is an old issue. "It is not a new issue, it has been a boiling issue but is an old one. It has been there in the Congress manifesto in most of the past elections," he said.

The reaction comes after a decision to create a separate state of Telangana has been endorsed by the UPA. The move got a unanimous nod from the UPA in a meeting of the constituents of the ruling coalition which was held at Prime Minister Manmohan Singh's residence on Tuesday. "The UPA unanimously decided in favour of Telangana," RLD leader and Union minister Ajit Singh said after the meeting.

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