Bengaluru Woman Shares Video of Man Who Groped Her, Describes Ordeal in Viral Post
Bengaluru Woman Shares Video of Man Who Groped Her, Describes Ordeal in Viral Post
The man allegedly approached and groped her from behind as she was about to enter her house.

A Bengaluru woman has claimed that she was groped by a man near her home on Tuesday night. The woman detailed her experience in a long post on the microblogging site ‘X’, where she also included a video of the man who can be seen covering his face. She was dropped off by a friend outside her residence when the incident occurred. The man allegedly approached and groped her from behind as she was about to enter her house. She called her friend right away and requested him to catch the man before he rode away.

She went on to state that the man acknowledged his actions in the uploaded video and explained that if her friend hadn’t been there to capture him, things might have ended up more severe.

The Bengaluru Police promptly arrested the man on the spot.

The woman, did, however, point out that because of the “troubles that lie ahead,” she would not be submitting a formal complaint against the offender. She also didn’t want to endure the subsequent mental strain of judicial processes. “This man is unfortunately being left out again because I am not going to file an FIR,” she wrote.

She then went on to express concerns about women’s safety in Bengaluru and throughout India. Additionally, she pushed for tougher constitutional penalties for such offenders. “Who is going to ensure my safety once he is set free?” she added.

She continued, calling his release “unfortunate.” She claimed the man was not drunk and that he knew exactly what he was up to as he waited for an opportunity to grab her. “My deepest condolences to his family because this is the kind of napunsak who is ‘The Man’ of the family,” she noted.

After several people in the comments section suggested that she shouldn’t have let him go, the woman (who requested anonymity) then posted an update stating that she had filed a formal complaint against the harasser. She concluded by saying that the purpose of sharing the information was to raise awareness of the “loopholes” in the constitution, which would allow the offender to get away sooner or later.

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