Chinese Company Is Banning Candidates Born Under This Zodiac Sign For Bad Luck
Chinese Company Is Banning Candidates Born Under This Zodiac Sign For Bad Luck
The Chinese company has specifically asked candidates born in the Year of the Dog not to apply as they might bring misfortune.

A company in China has stirred controversy by banning individuals born in the “Year of the Dog” from applying for positions. Sanxing Transportation, located in Guangdong province, has a boss born in the “Year of the Dragon”. According to Chinese zodiac beliefs, the Dragon and Dog signs are considered opposites and are thought to clash or bring bad luck. The zodiac cycle runs on a 12-year pattern, with each year associated with a specific animal sign. As reported by the South China Morning Post (SCMP), the company is offering monthly salaries between 3,000 and 4,000 Yuan (approximately Rs 35,000-Rs 45,000) but has explicitly requested that candidates born in the Year of the Dog refrain from applying, fearing they might bring misfortune.

According to SCMP, a staff member explained to Hubei Television that the company’s decision to exclude candidates born in the “Year of the Dog” was based on zodiac compatibility. The company stated they would even consider hiring less qualified candidates, as long as their zodiac sign was not the Dog. This decision stems from the belief that each zodiac sign corresponds to one of the five elements—metal, wood, water, fire and earth. The Dragon is associated with water, while the Dog is linked to fire. The staff member suggested that this elemental difference often leads to conflicts between individuals with these signs.

While the company’s unusual policy has drawn criticism, Wu Xingjian, a lawyer from Hubei Chisheng Law Firm, explained that while the rule might be seen as discriminatory, choosing candidates based on zodiac signs is not against the law.

This isn’t the first instance of zodiac-related discrimination in China’s job market. Previous reports from The New Republic highlighted that individuals born between August 23 and September 22, who fall under the Virgo sign, often face challenges in securing employment. Virgos are sometimes perceived as “unlucky” due to their traits of being overly “picky, spoiled, and fussy to the point of being obsessive-compulsive.” For instance, the air conditioner manufacturer Haier has expressed concerns that Virgos might exhibit OCD tendencies, a fear of dirt, and excessive pickiness, attributing these traits to their pursuit of perfection. Felicia Jiang, founder of the astrology site, noted that Virgos’ perfectionist nature can lead to criticism of others, which is easily noticeable and often exaggerated.

According to Feng Shui theories, if people with opposite zodiac signs work together, they can use lucky charms to help balance energies and improve the work environment.

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