You must have heard about the old proverb that no matter how much money one earns, it is crucial to save as much as possible. While saving money is indeed necessary, it is equally necessary to spend a minimum amount which is needed to fulfil one’s basic needs properly. The person we are going to talk about today takes saving to an extreme level that goes beyond mere miserliness. You will be baffled to know that, despite earning a decent income, he became so obsessed with saving money that he neglected even the necessities of life. This person has not eaten his meal in 21 years.
According to a report by the South China Morning Post, this man lives in Japan and has a single-minded goal. He wanted to retire early. To achieve his goal, this man rather than focusing on earning more money, set a goal to save while staying at his current job. He aimed to save 100 million yen, which is approximately, Rs 5,35,75,360. At the age of 45, the man worked for a company where he earned most of his money through overtime. With an annual income of Rs 26,78,640, the man planned to accrue his dream retirement fund over 20 years. During this time, he never enjoyed good food, instead, he subsisted on very salty vegetables, a bowl of rice, and a sour plum. Sometimes, he would consume energy drinks.
Not only this, he used to live in the office dormitory and paid a small rent for it. When his microwave broke down, he started boiling sweet potatoes using the heat from his colleague’s car, all to avoid spending money. During the summer, he wore a wet T-shirt to stay cool, and in winter, he relied on doing sit-ups to warm up. Despite all these efforts, he managed to save the money he needed. However, his luck took a turn for the worse when the value of the yen fell in the global market. Now, he may have to work even harder to reach his retirement fund goal.
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