Meet Zenith Irfan, First Pakistani Woman To Ride Solo Across Country. Read Her Story
Meet Zenith Irfan, First Pakistani Woman To Ride Solo Across Country. Read Her Story
Zenith Irfan disclosed covering 50,000 km across Pakistan on her two-wheeler.

Ask any biker and you will know that the thrill of whizzing past streets on a motorbike gives them a sense of freedom. It can provide an escape from one’s thoughts and mundane activities. Not only men, but many women are also expressing their love for two-wheelers nowadays. One of them is Zenith Irfan, the first Pakistani-based female motorcyclist who has been documenting her solo adventures on the wheels for decades. According to reports, Zenith Irfan gave wings to her passion for riding after her father’s death. An army man, he dreamt of going on a “crazy world motorcycle journey” someday.

Zenith Irfan recently posted a video on Instagram revealing the reason behind taking up the hobby of motorbike riding. “The day I started riding motorcycles was the day EVERYTHING CHANGED,” read her caption. In the clip, the biker girl seemingly responded to naysayers who called her passion “a waste of time”. Glimpses of her childhood days were featured in the video. The text inside the clip reads, “Started riding to fulfill my late father’s dream”.

Sharing her achievements, Zenith Irfan disclosed that she covered 50,000 km across Pakistan on her two-wheeler. The biker woman, who hosted a travel show, was honoured with the Pride Of Pakistan award, and even a documentary titled “Motorcycle Girl” was made based on her life. Zenith also disclosed that she has been documenting “true raw stories” from her travel itinerary.

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The post was quick to grab the eyeballs of social media users. Inspired by her journey, an individual commented, “I found you by chance and I’m so happy to follow your adventures! Go girl! Don’t stop.” “So much love, admiration, and respect for you,” agreed another. A person turned a little emotional as they noted, “Your father must be so proud of you.”

In an interaction with ABC News, Zenith Irfan said that her mother encouraged her to pursue her dreams. While going through old photographs, she came across her late father dressed in an aviation uniform. “Since he was in the army, he did not get much time to focus on his passions and the dream he aspired to live,” Zenith told the outlet. That’s when her mother revealed her father’s wish of travelling the world on a motorbike. She started riding at the age of 12, undertaking lessons from her brother.

In 2015, Zenith Irfan embarked on a solo travel on her bike from Lahore to Kashmir.

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