Pune Man's Bizarre Surfing on Waterlogged Roads Sends Internet ROFL, Watch Viral Video
Pune Man's Bizarre Surfing on Waterlogged Roads Sends Internet ROFL, Watch Viral Video
Pune Rains: Man's bizarre mode of transport teases waterlogged streets in the most bizarre fashion.

Pune isn’t Pune if it doesn’t surprise you, and one man ensured this adage held true in the most hilarious fashion. A viral video that’s making the rounds on the internet captures this man’s uproarious antics in a rainwater-flooded lane. But he didn’t just walk or drive through it—he took a route as bizarre as it was funny!

In this now-viral clip, he can be seen surfing through the rainwater! Yes, you read that right. While vehicles struggled to pass through the waterlogged lane, this unidentified man effortlessly glided forward on a surfboard, pushing along as if he were in a boat. The sight was as amusing as it sounds, leaving onlookers gawking in delight and disbelief.

Take a Look:

As expected, the clip quickly went viral, sparking a flurry of comments from amused viewers. One user quipped, “I can bet this boy has an assignment due tomorrow.” Another chimed in, “He’s using his taxes well.” A third commented, “Pune becomes more eco-friendly in the rains.” A fourth added, “If a truck or bus passes by, you can surf as well.”

Whether this stunt was for publicity or just pure fun remains unverified, but one thing is for sure—it triggered a wave of laughter across the internet.

Interestingly, this isn’t the first time a hilarious rain-related act has captured online attention. Earlier, a video featuring Fable and Mane CEO Akash Mehta’s antics during Dubai’s flash floods went viral. Shared on Instagram, the video shows Mehta juggling Zoom calls while dealing with a flooded balcony.

In the clip, Mehta can be seen filling buckets with rainwater and dumping them out, only to playfully douse himself with a dustpan full of water and perform some dance moves. By the end of the video, he’s attending Zoom meetings, explaining that his delay was due to the water chaos.

So, whether in Pune or Dubai, the rains seem to bring out the most unexpected and entertaining moments!

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