Viral Video Shows Morocco's Forgotten Ancient City Of The Berber Tribe
Viral Video Shows Morocco's Forgotten Ancient City Of The Berber Tribe
What at first seems like a small, confined space quickly reveals itself to be much larger, almost like an entire hidden city.

Stories of lost cities are often a source of excitement and cities like Atlantis, El Dorado and Kitezh, which are said to be lost, are part of various myths and folklore. While traces of these mythical cities have yet to be found, a video doing the rounds on social media will remind you of these cities. The video shows an ancient deserted city locked behind a wooden door.

An intriguing video was posted on the Instagram account abderrahmane_rais that has captured the attention of many viewers. This video showcases a fascinating and somewhat mysterious location in Morocco. The scene begins with a seemingly ordinary wooden door, but what lies beyond it is quite extraordinary.

As the door opens, it reveals a deserted area that looks like it has been untouched for years. The initial impression of the place gives off a sense of abandonment, yet there’s an undeniable charm and allure to it. The setting feels almost otherworldly as if stepping through the door transports you to a different time and place. The most surprising aspect of the video is the vast expanse that unfolds behind the wooden door. What at first seems like a small, confined space quickly reveals itself to be much larger, almost like an entire hidden city. The architecture and layout of the buildings made of stone behind the door are stunning, with intricate designs and structures that reflect the rich cultural heritage of Morocco.

The video has gone viral, receiving over 10 million views. Many people have shared their reactions in the comments section, expressing their amazement and curiosity. Numerous viewers have been asking about the location shown in the video. Amidst the curiosity, some individuals have provided insights, revealing that the place is indeed in Morocco. According to these commentators, in ancient times, this location served as a bank for the Berber tribe who inhabited the area. It was a place where they stored their grains, seeds, and other essential supplies.

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