Watch: Rajasthan Man Makes Traditional AC With Table Fan And Bricks
Watch: Rajasthan Man Makes Traditional AC With Table Fan And Bricks
The person in the video arranged the bricks in front of the table fan and sprinkled water on them.

A video showing a Rajasthan man beating the heat with an unconventional air conditioner is going viral. This cheap AC is simple to construct. While there have been various innovative methods to achieve cool air, this one stands out as the best and easiest. The idea has garnered widespread appreciation on social media. To make this AC, you only need a table fan and seven bricks.

The person in the video arranged the bricks in front of the table fan and sprinkled water on them. As the air passes over the wet bricks, it cools the room effectively.

People are highly impressed by this innovative solution. For those unable to install ACs due to financial constraints or concerns about electricity bills, this is an excellent alternative. This method keeps the house cool with minimal effort.

Those who can afford ACs manage to cope, but the poor face significant challenges. They have no choice but to resort to makeshift solutions to escape the heat. The idea has received much praise in the comments, with many suggesting it as the only solution left to combat heat. It seems this innovative approach may provide much-needed relief from the heat.

In another video, a man was seen sleeping in front of the traditional cooling setup, which features a cooler strategically positioned in front of an open refrigerator. But instead of praising the man’s innovative creation, people criticised him, saying, “Someone failed thermodynamics.”

The comments were full of criticism, with many pointing out that the setup would likely heat the room rather than cool it down.

“According to the laws of physics, this will cause the room to heat up, not cool down,” one user said. “This increases the heating effect. Someone failed thermodynamics,” another commented. “This will heat the room further. And the refrigerator won’t work,” another person said.

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