When Is The Right Time To Consume Fruit, Reveals Expert
When Is The Right Time To Consume Fruit, Reveals Expert
Everyone should undoubtedly develop the beneficial habit of eating fruit. But many people are unsure about the perfect time to consume them. Learn what an expert has to say

Fruit consumption is unquestionably a good habit that everyone should adopt. Doctors always recommend them as a source of nutrition because they are packed with vitamins, minerals, fibre, and antioxidants. But, a lot of people wonder when the right time is to consume them. For instance, some individuals think that eating them first thing in the morning on an empty stomach is a good idea, while others prefer to do so after a meal. Many also question if a plate full of this nourishing food is the right choice for dinner. In response, nutritionist Neha Ranglani said that having fruit once in a while for dinner is fine, but it should not become a habit.

The nutritionist explained, “When we eat from morning to evening, we eat a lot of carbohydrate-rich foods, which get converted into sugars in our body. Our cells utilise the sugar as much as they need. Anything that’s excess, gets stored in the liver as glycogen, which is the storage form of sugar. But when we eat simple sugar late evening, that’s the time our body doesn’t need that much energy. All of this extra simple sugar then gets converted to fat because the glycogen stores in the liver are full. Once that gets full, the extra sugar is converted into fat.” Therefore, she strongly recommends not having a fruit-rich meal very often at night.

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She acknowledged that fruits are great for health and suggested that one can have them first thing in the morning or as mid meals. However, if you are looking for a light dinner idea, you can go with vegetable soup or stir-fried veggies.

Earlier, Neha mentioned a few other ways one should not consume fruits.

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Firstly, she suggested that you should avoid them in milkshakes. Fruits digest more quickly than milk. When we combine milk with fruits, we enable the fruit sugar to ferment in the gut, causing gas, bloating, and other gastrointestinal troubles.

Next, she advised against having it as a dessert or along with meals. Adding fruit as a dessert after a full meal will merely increase your body’s sugar load, cause it to turn into fat more quickly, and make your stomach uncomfortable for longer.

Lastly, she recommends having fruits whole and not as juices. She explained that the fibre, which is the most vital part of the item, is completely removed from your fruit juice. Without this component,, your bloodstream and liver directly absorb the sugar from your fruit, which is subsequently processed into fat because there is an excess of it.

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