Run your crystals under a faucet for 1 minute.
This is the start of the cleansing process. Not only does it cleanse your crystals spiritually, but it’s also a nice way to wash off dust and grime that may have accumulated. Bring your crystals over to the sink and rinse them under running water for about 1 minute, scrubbing them gently with your fingertips. Cleansing your crystals before charging them leaves them more open and receptive to energy. If you have a crystal that’s too large or bulky to rinse under water, you can cleanse it by sounding a single tonal pitch nearby for 5 to 10 minutes. Try using a tuning fork or a singing bowl to make this process easier. Don't do this with stones like malachite, selenite, black tourmaline, angelite, celestine, kyanite, or any finely-grained crystal.
Dunk the crystals in clean water to cleanse them.
Cleansing your crystals washes away any negative energy. After you’ve rinsed them in water, give them a good dunk in a bowl of water to clean them once and for all. Try to cleanse your crystals about once a month, or more often if other people handle them a lot. If you have any crystals that you wear on your person (like in jewelry), try to cleanse them as soon as you get home for the day. If you’ve had crystals for years and you’ve never cleansed them, that’s okay! It’s better to start now than never at all.
Wait for a full moon to gain the most energy.
A full moon is widely regarded as the best time to charge crystals. Since the moon is at its biggest and brightest, your crystals will have access to the most moonlight and energy possible. It’s also best to wait for a clear, cloudless night so that your crystals can bathe in direct moonlight all night. If you can’t wait for a full moon, that’s okay too! Charging your crystals in moonlight, no matter what cycle it’s in, will be beneficial.
Charge during a waxing moon to set and keep goals.
A waxing moon is the universe’s sign to keep moving. If you charge your crystals when the moon is actively moving toward a full moon, you can set intentions about your goals and work toward achieving them. This is a great time to charge your crystals if you’re making any big life changes or you’re feeling stuck and stagnant. Try making plans for the month while your crystals are charging in the waxing moon. You might find it easier to make decisions and stick to them during this time.
Charge during a waning moon to downsize or reflect.
A waning moon is your sign to let some things go. After the new moon, the moon starts to get smaller in the sky. Usually, this is a symbol of downsizing or reflecting upon your relationships and any negativity in your life. If you charge your crystals during a waning moon, you might set intentions to confront toxicity or bad relationships and move on from the past. If you’ve already confronted negativity or toxicity in your life, you might use this time to prepare yourself for the positivity coming your way.
Place your crystals outside overnight.
Make sure they’re in a spot where the moonlight can hit them directly. If you don’t want to leave your crystals outside, place them on your windowsill where the light can hit them. You can set them out on their own, or you can place them on a dish or a cloth so they don’t get dirty on the ground. Some people set their crystals on “charging dishes,” or dishes made of crystal. It can help balance uneven-shaped crystals that might roll away on flat ground.
Direct intentions toward your crystals throughout the night.
When you place your crystals outside, say your intentions out loud. As they charge throughout the night (or whenever you think of it), keep thinking about your intentions and direct your energy toward the crystals. The more energy you put out, the more energy your crystals will take from the moonlight. You might say things like, “I will confront my negative relationship and work toward creating positive connections.” Or, “I will set my goals and stick to them for the next month.” You can also thank your crystals by saying things like, “Thank you for providing energy and healing for me in the past month.”
Collect your crystals in the morning.
Try to grab them before the sun comes up. Sunlight can fade the color of some crystals, which is why a lot of people prefer to charge them in the moonlight. When you wake up in the morning, gather your crystals and take them back inside to wherever you keep them. In another month or so, you can cleanse and charge your crystals again. If you want to, you can leave your crystals to charge in the sunlight, too. However, it’s not totally necessary, and it can cause some of the brighter-colored crystals to fade faster.
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