How to Survive the Beep Test
How to Survive the Beep Test
The beep test is difficult because it requires a lot of endurance and speed. However, with some training, you can pass the test easily. To avoid getting tired too quickly, keep your breathing slow and regulated. Read on for a step by step guide to surviving the beep test!

Start off by going slow and steady.

You know the saying: Slow and steady wins the race. Although you may not be able to run slowly for the entire beep test, you can at least try to pace yourself. If you push yourself too hard in the first couple of beeps, than you'll be setting yourself up for disaster. For the first 10-15 Beeps, you may be able to get away with a slow jog or by walking at a brisk pace. It will take many beep tests before you figure out a technique that works well for you as an individual.

Drink water before and after you run.

It's essential that you keep your body hydrated, especially when performing this test. You might not be able to sip while running, but at least keep a bottle of water at the sidelines for when you finish. Becoming dehydrated can be fatal, or at least make you become very ill.

Push yourself

Know when you need to stop, though. Injuries are not fun. It's perfectly healthy to get your heart-rate up, but not to the point where it is at such a peak that it can barely maintain itself.

Congratulate those around you afterwards.

If you're running a beep test while in PE class, there will be others who were running it as well. Chances are, by the end of the test, everybody will be tired. Patting a classmate on the back and saying, "Good job out there today!," can really brighten someone's day. It doesn't matter if you are the first to drop out, just try your best and you'll be fine. Eventually you won't be too troubled by your scores, and you'll just get on with the rest of your day.

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