Simple Ways to Get Electric Claw in Blox Fruits
Simple Ways to Get Electric Claw in Blox Fruits
Are you looking to acquire the Electric Claw fighting style in Blox Fruits? It's an excellent option to have in your arsenal and can be obtained with a few requirements, including having at least 400 mastery points in Electric. This wikiHow article will guide you on how to get the Electric Claw fighting style in Blox Fruits.
Things You Should Know
  • Have at least 400 mastery in Electric as well as $3,000,000 and 5,000 fragments.
  • Talk to Previous Hero in The Third Sea and do his quest.
  • Exchange $3,000,000 and 5,000 fragments for Electric Claw.

Getting Electric Claw

Have at least 400 mastery in Electric. You need to have the predecessor fighting style up to the minimum of mastery in order to learn Electric Claw.

Talk to Previous Hero in The Third Sea. He's a rabbit character that is located next to The Longma Boss under the many arches in The Floating Turtle.

Finish his quest. You'll need to return to the Mansion within 30 seconds, so you can always visit that location, set your spawn point there, and then teleport there when the quest starts. If you want to run it, use Light Flight, Shining Flight (Light), Rabbit V3 (Agility), and portal movement abilities. Once you finish the quest, or get to Mansion in less than 30 seconds, return to Previous Hero to continue.

Pay $3,000,000 and 5,000 fragments for Electric Claw. If you don't have all the requirements before talking to the NPC, he will simply say, "Nah" and won't talk to you.

Using Electric Claw

Electric Rampage/Z. 110 mastery. The player slashes in front of them with their claws (lengthen the time slashing the air by holding down Z), stunning the enemy. The player then dashes forward, leaving damaging electric sparks in their wake.

Lightning Thrust/X. 220 mastery. The player dashes toward the cursor, but if they hit an enemy, that enemy is damaged and knocked back. Holding X will increase the dash distance.

Thunderclap and Flash/C. 330 mastery. The player dashes at the target and then barrages them, causing both damage and a knockback effect.

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