Get-to-Know-You Road Trip Questions
Start the trip with some basic, fun icebreaker questions. If you’re road-tripping with someone you’d like to learn more about (whether it’s a new friend or even someone you’ve been dating), these get-to-know-you questions can help you get a sense of who they are beyond the basics. Even if you’re traveling with someone you know well, you might find these questions interesting! Are you a cat or a dog person? What would be the title if your life was a book? What would you do if you had just won the lottery? What is your most useless talent? What superpower would you like to have? What’s one good deed you’ve done recently? Who would you choose if you could change lives with someone else? What’s one thing you absolutely can’t live without? Is your glass half-full or half-empty? What are most people surprised to learn about you? What is your best pick-up line? Which animal would you like to be? Have you ever done anything illegal? What is your weirdest fear?
Road Trip Questions About Personal Preferences
Learn more about your travel buddies’ likes and dislikes. Even if you already know their basic preferences (movies, hobbies, and so on), there are tons of little things to ask about, from holidays to fictional characters. Find out about their favorite (and least favorite) things, and share your own. You might find new things in common! What’s your favorite holiday, and how do you celebrate it? Do you have a favorite country out of any you’ve visited? What’s your favorite type of weather? What’s your favorite musical or play of all time? What’s your favorite Disney character? Do you have a favorite flower? Who is your favorite artist? What’s your favorite book and why? What about your least favorite? What was (or is) your favorite subject in school? What's your favorite and least favorite season? What’s your favorite thing to do on a rainy day? Do you have a favorite video game? What’s your favorite movie quote? Which sports teams are you a diehard fan of? Which teams do you hate?
Road Trip Questions for Couples
Ask questions that’ll bring you and your partner closer together. If you’re road-tripping with a partner, that time on the road is the perfect opportunity to bond with questions about your relationship and how you feel about one another. For every question you ask your partner, be sure to answer it yourself, too; the more you both share, the closer you’ll feel to one another. What’s something you’ve never told anyone else? Is there anything you’d change about the relationship? What activities do you enjoy doing together? When did you first want to kiss one another? Which friends would be the best double date partners? What is your partner’s most attractive body part? Which date has been your favorite? What are three things you love about one another? What are you most proud of one another for? What’s a memory of your partner that you treasure? What was your first impression of each other? Where would you like to travel with your partner someday? What goal could the pair of you work on together in the next year? What’s your ideal honeymoon destination? How do you prefer to express love to each other?
Road Trip Questions About Family & Relationships
Explore your family history, traditions, and more. When traveling with friends or a partner, you might want to learn more about your companions’ families and home life! After all, it can reveal a lot about who they are, too. Try asking the following questions about family and friendships: What family traditions do you love most? Did you have a yearly family vacation spot as a child? What family traditions do you wish would end? Which pet have you bonded most with in your life? Who else would you like to take a road trip with? Who would you want on your team for a trivia game? What memory do you have of your siblings? If you were stranded on a desert island, which family member would you want with you? Who’s your most famous relative? Which family member gets away with the most stuff? Who was your best friend growing up? What's a family story you've heard at least a dozen times? What’s one thing you’ll always remember about your grandparents? What’s one thing that would be a dealbreaker in a relationship?
Road Trip Questions About Travel
Chat about your previous adventures and vacation bucket list. You’re already traveling, so why not explore other past travels you and your travel buddies have made? Ask about favorite vacation spots, travel goals, places they’d most like to see, and even hypotheticals—like their dream vacation. And, of course, share yours too! What’s the best vacation you’ve ever taken? What's the longest road trip you've taken? What are your top five travel destinations to visit? Where would you like to retire? Which city in the world would you like to explore? Do you prefer to travel to cities or the countryside? How long do you think it would take you to travel around the world? Would you rather climb a mountain or go deep sea diving? If you could take a month-long road trip, what would be your route? What’s the most relaxing place you’ve ever been?
Funny Road Trip Questions
Make one another laugh by answering silly questions. Laughter is a great way to boost the mood and keep things lively, especially on a long road trip—so funny questions may be just what you need. Perk up your travel-mates in the car with questions such as: Who is your funniest friend? What is the funniest thing you've ever seen in another person's house? What’s the weirdest thing a visitor has done at your home? What’s the funniest joke you can tell off the top of your head? Do you think aliens really exist? What kind of reality TV show would you go on? What's the most creative insult you can think of? If animals could talk, which species would be the rudest? What’s the funniest thing that’s ever happened to you? If you were to be banned from your local library, what would be the reason? What is the worst possible name you might give a child? Do you have an imaginary friend? How long would you survive in a zombie apocalypse? What is your Wi-Fi password? What secret conspiracy would you like to actually start telling people about?
Reflective Road Trip Questions
Take a trip down memory lane and share some fond recollections. A little nostalgia never hurt; in fact, reminiscing about your best memories can make you feel happier and give others better insight into who you are! So, try the following questions about memories and past experiences: How old were you when you first saw the ocean? Have you ever had to go to the hospital? What memory always makes you smile? What countries have you been to? What memory do you treasure more than any others? How old were you when you first traveled by airplane? What's your earliest memory? What was the best toy of the 90s or 2000s? Do you remember the first house you lived in? Can you describe your worst-ever date? Did you have a hero growing up? Which of your scars has the best story behind it? What’s the most embarrassing thing that happened to you in school? What school project were you most proud of? What word can you never remember how to spell?
Road Trip Questions About Dreams & Goals
Learn about one another’s greatest aspirations for the future. Everyone has their own goals in life, and a long road trip is the perfect time to hear what your travel-mates are dreaming of for the future (while sharing your aspirations, too). You don’t have to talk about careers only; you can discuss dream homes, relationship goals, and beyond. What are the top five things on your bucket list? What's a goal you've set for yourself but haven't achieved yet? What is your dream job? If talent weren't an issue, which sport would you pursue professionally? How would your dream house look? How do you want your life to look in 10 years? What are your personal goals for this year? What makes you happy? If you could look into the future, would you do it? What prediction about the future would you like to put in a time capsule? What accomplishment are you most proud of? Would you want to live in a different country someday? Which one? Do you believe in luck or hard work? What legacy do you hope to leave behind? If money weren't an issue, what would you do with your life?
Road Trip Questions About Hobbies & Fun
Compare your hobbies and favorite forms of entertainment. By having your travel buddies dish about their hobbies and the things they find entertaining, you might find a few things in common you didn’t know about before! You might even come up with a few ideas of what to do next during the car ride (once you’re done with questions). What hobby do you love the most? What would a perfect day look like to you? What songs are on your road trip playlist? What was the first CD you owned? What book could you reread a thousand times and still love it? What TV shows are you currently watching? What’s your ultimate comfort TV show or movie? What’s your go-to dance move? What is your favorite way to relax? List your top three favorite movies. Which movies make you cry? Do you play an instrument? What is your secret addiction? What's a go-to karaoke song? What language would you like to master? What hobby would you get into if time and money weren’t an issue?
Food and Drink Road Trip Questions
Share your favorite snacks, meals, and treats with one another. While it might seem silly to ask food-related questions, it can be pretty helpful when you think about it. You can get a sense of what they might want to eat on this trip—and even come up with some snack ideas to grab the next time you stop! Try questions such as: What’s your usual breakfast? What's a beloved recipe in your family? What’s the weirdest food you’ve ever tried? Is there a vegetable you won't eat? What kind of chips do you like? What toppings do you put on your hamburger? How do you take your coffee? You’re making a fruit salad. What fruits do you use? What food is unique to the region where you live? What’s your favorite fast food chain? What's your favorite soft drink? What was your favorite after-school snack as a kid? What’s your favorite cookie flavor? Which pie flavor is your favorite? Do you have any food allergies?
Deep Road Trip Questions
Tackle revealing, thought-provoking questions that go deeper than most. If you’re okay with vulnerability and exploring more personal topics, consider asking these deep questions. Just ensure everyone else is okay with sharing intimate personal details, too; if so, these questions can help you bond and forge a closer friendship or relationship! What are your top three bucket list items? If you could change the past, would you do something differently? Has your heart ever been broken? Have you been friends with anyone since childhood? How do you want to be remembered? What did you want to be when you grew up? Who do you share your deepest secrets with? If you were granted three wishes, what would you wish for? What do you like about yourself? What's something you fear? Do you believe in love at first sight? How is your life different than you thought it would be? Who's one of your role models? What advice do you have for your 10-year-old self? What's a valuable lesson you learned from your parents?
Trivia Road Trip Questions
Test your travel buddy’s knowledge with entertaining trivia questions. Trivia is a super easy game to play no matter where you are—sitting in a bar, at home, or traveling by car. All you need are fact-based questions and their answers! So, take turns asking one another trivia questions and see who can get the most right. Which fish can generate an electrical charge up to 600 volts? Answer: The electric eel Who wrote “The Little Mermaid”? Answer: Hans Christian Andersen Most adults have how many permanent teeth? Answer: 32 Who was the first woman ever inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame? Answer: Aretha Franklin How many moons does Neptune have? Answer: 14 Which planet in the solar system is the only one to rotate clockwise on its axis? Answer: Venus Where did the 2000 Summer Olympics take place? Answer: Sydney, Australia What year did the comedy sketch TV show Saturday Night Live debut? Answer: 1975 Which president was a licensed bartender? Answer: Abraham Lincoln Which country is the largest in the world? Answer: Russia Which country produces the most tea? Answer: China What produces the majority of the breathable air on earth? Answer: The oceans How many states does the Appalachian Trail cross? Answer: 14 Which Italian town is the setting for Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet? Answer: Verona According to Guinness World Records, what's the best-selling book of all time? Answer: The Bible
Most Likely To Road Trip Questions
Debate which of you is most likely to do different things. “Most Likely To” is a fun game you can play with friends, family, or a partner (or any combination of those). Simply ask a question beginning with “Who’s most likely to…” and have everyone vote on the person most likely to do that thing. You can see how well you know one another (and what kind of reputation everyone has!) Who’s most likely to have a secret evil twin? Who’s most likely to keep a secret? Who’s most likely to regift a present? Who’s most likely to befriend a wild animal? Who’s most likely to remember everyone’s birthday? Who’s most likely to drop their phone in the toilet? Who’s most likely to start a podcast? Who’s most likely to get lost on a road trip? Who’s most likely to text their ex? Who’s most likely to stay up all night? Who’s most likely to get a bad tattoo? Who’s most likely to join a cult? Who’s most likely to be constantly late? Who’s most likely to become a comedian? Who’s most likely to marry a celebrity? Who’s most likely to eat a bug? Who’s most likely to accidentally reply all to a work email? Who’s most likely to cheat at a board game? Who’s most likely to miss their flight? Who’s most likely to start a rumor?
Would You Rather Road Trip Questions
Play a game of “Would You Rather” to pass the time. It’s another simple game: take turns asking one another questions that begin with “Would you rather…” and contain a hypothetical scenario with two choices. Whoever gets asked a question must pick one of the options (and explain their answer). There’s no winner, but it’s still a silly, surprisingly revealing game! Would you rather go vegan for a month or only eat meat and dairy for a month? Would you rather be forced to sing along or dance to every single song you hear? Would you rather be the smartest or the funniest person in the room? Would you rather shout all the time or only whisper? Would you rather have teeth that are unusually pointy or hair that’s always wet? Would you rather eat only pizza or ice cream for a week? Would you rather date your favorite celebrity or be best friends with them? Would you rather have a pool in your backyard or live next to the ocean? Would you rather be super fast or ultra strong? Would you rather be given a million dollars tomorrow or 10 million dollars 10 years from now? Would you rather live alone or live with friends? Would you rather be able to control fire or water? Would you rather be 20 or 40 for the rest of your life? Would you rather have to battle one bear-sized duck or 10 duck-sized bears? Would you rather have more time or more money?
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