The Sexiest Body Parts, According to the Opposite Sex
The Sexiest Body Parts, According to the Opposite Sex
Have you ever wondered what’s considered the most attractive body part? Whether you’re newly single and looking to date or simply just curious, a 2017 study has all the answers for you.[1]
Research source

This poll tells us what we’ve all been dying to know: what are our potential dates looking for? And what are they most attracted to? Keep reading to learn which parts both men and women prefer.
Things You Should Know
  • Studies show that men are most attracted to faces, followed closely by women’s rear ends.
  • The same study tells us that women like a man’s chest and his hair.
  • While it’s interesting to learn what people are most attracted to, remember that attractiveness is subjective, and your personality and uniqueness is most important.

What Men are Attracted To

Faces According to this study, almost 46% of men think that faces matter the most—that’s almost half! So, when you’re out on the town, you can rest assured that guys are most likely checking out your face before anything else.

Butts Around 11% of guys find that they check out butts the most, which shouldn’t come as a surprise. Butts and hips have come to symbolize femininity, which is likely why a lot of guys like them.

Hair Those long, luscious locks you’ve worked so hard for? 11% of guys say they like those more than anything else. So rock your hair however you want—a lot of guys will love it!

Legs Short legs, tall legs, and any legs in between: guys like ‘em, and you’ve got ‘em. Next time you go out, wear your favorite mini skirt or jean shorts to show off to the 9% of men who love legs.

Breasts They had to be on the list, right? Here’s a shocking twist: only 8% of men admit that they’re most attracted to a woman’s breasts. Since they’re the age-old symbol of femininity, it doesn’t come as a surprise that they’ve made the cut.

What Women are Attracted To

Chest You might be surprised to know that according to the study done in 2017, almost 24% of women think that chests and pecs are most attractive! So throw on that tight T-shirt or go shirtless at the pool: the single ladies will appreciate it. Other studies line up with this fact—one study from 2011 found that women are most attracted to muscles, since they are masculine characteristics.

Hair Coming in at a close second, 22% of women say that they check out a guy’s hair first. So remember, guys: lather, rinse, repeat. Facial hair matters too! A research study found that women think men with heavy stubble are most attractive.

Arms It’s no wonder that women tend to gravitate toward strong, muscular men. 19% of ladies say that they look at a guy’s arms before anything else.

Abs Sticking with that muscular theme, 13% of women say that they like their guy to have abs. If you aren’t rocking a six-pack just yet, don’t worry—many women appreciate a good dad bod, too!

Faces and eyes In a surprisingly low turnout, only 2% of women say they’re most attracted to faces, and 3% of women say they’re attracted to eyes the most. While these things definitely do matter, it looks like the ladies prefer other things a little bit more. However, other studies rank eyes and facial features a little bit higher.

Embracing Body Positivity

Appreciate your own unique features. Sure, people might have body parts they think are attractive, but it’s the whole person that counts. Think about what makes you you: is it your curly hair? Your freckles? Your crooked teeth? All of these things make you who you are, so embrace them!

Identify your inner beauty. Even when you’re looking for love, it’s your personality that counts most. You could be a supermodel in a runway show, but if you’re ugly on the inside, you still might have trouble finding love. Think about your inner beauty, like how kind you are, how funny you are, and how much you care about others. Short-term relationships are often based on looks, while long-term, lasting relationships usually rely on someone’s personality and inner beauty.

Prioritize your overall health and well-being. Don’t worry about becoming someone who is super attractive to the majority of the population. Instead, treat your body and your mind well so that you’re the healthiest version of you that you can be. Exercising and eating well are both good ideas, but only when they’re done for the right reasons. Be sure that you’re getting fit for you, not for anyone else. Focus on looking and feeling like the best version of yourself through physical activity and physical self-care. That helps you not only look good but also feel good with the endorphins it brings your body.

Remember that everyone has their own preferences, and that’s okay. You’re never going to be able to please everyone, and that includes being attractive to everyone, too. Some guys might like a woman’s hair, while others couldn’t care less. Some women might go for guys with abs, while others prefer a guy who makes them laugh. Focus on making yourself happy instead of trying to become the ultimate hot person. Attractiveness is also subjective. Just like fashion trends, attraction trends come and go with the seasons. Try not to pay too much attention, and just focus on what makes you feel good. Being confident is a huge attraction to most people. If you don’t feel confident now, fake it until you do!

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