- In astrology, Saturn represents karma and discipline while the 8th house rules over transformation, intimacy, and finances.
- If your natal chart shows Saturn in the 8th house, you will show growth and change over the course of your life, in both personal and professional aspects.
- You likely have an empathetic and driven personality type. But while Vedic astrology predicts an easygoing attitude, Western astrology suggests a more reserved nature.
Saturn in the 8th House: Overview
Meaning of the 8th house In astrology, the 8th house rules over intimacy and money. It governs your financial potential, including investments and savings plans. However, due to its connection to Scorpio, the eighth zodiac sign, the 8th house also rules over erotic and romantic chemistry. The sexual connotations of the 8th house are not predominantly physical; rather, the 8th house represents the deeply intense emotional connection between two people. Traditionally, the 8th house has been seen as a house of death. However, the interpretation of death in modern astrology includes transformation, such as the death of your past self or letting go of a past that held you back.
Meaning of Saturn in astrology In both Vedic and Western astrology, Saturn represents justice and discipline. Seen as a teacher or taskmaster, Saturn is thought to show you your strengths and limitations and teach you lessons throughout your life, including how to achieve goals and overcome obstacles. Saturn is often connected to karma and is thought to bring people’s energies back to them, whether good or bad. Saturn rules over the zodiac sign Capricorn, reflecting the structured and goal-oriented nature of the planet and its influence in your birth chart.
Saturn in retrograde If you have Saturn as part of your astrological birth chart, you are more susceptible to its effects. When Saturn is in retrograde, you will feel the impact more than others, especially if Saturn is in retrograde in the 8th house. Your introspective qualities will be intensified and you will be fully focused on addressing your limitations and transforming into a new version of yourself. You may choose to shift your habits when it comes to how you connect with others or how you manage your finances. Although this level of change and introspection may feel difficult in the moment, this retrograde is a powerful and transformative opportunity for you. A planet in retrograde means that, from the point of view of the Earth, it appears to be spinning backwards. Periods of retrograde are thought to be especially potent times that can heavily influence your future life decisions and reflections on the past.
Birth charts with 8th house Saturn Your birth or natal chart lists your star signs, planet signs, and house positions based on the time and place you were born. The 12 house positions are determined by the rotation of the earth during any given period of 24 hours. If Saturn appears in the 8th house on your birth chart, that means that Saturn was passing through the 8th house at the time of your birth. This placement gives you a special connection to both Saturn and the 8th house, which is believed to impact your personality, relationships, and potential road through life.
Saturn in transit Even if Saturn isn’t in the 8th house on your birth chart, you can still be impacted when Saturn transits through your 8th house at any point in your life. When any planet transits through a house, it empowers that house with its special energy. Whatever area of your life is connected to that house will likely be affected. Since the 8th house is associated with finances and deep intimacy, Saturn will impact those parts of your life as it transits through your 8th house. You may feel especially introspective about the deeper meanings of life and your intimate relationships, or you may take time to examine and restructure your financial habits.
Saturn in synastry Synastry occurs when your Saturn is in another person’s 8th house (or vice versa). This will initiate a strong karmic connection and commitment between you and the other person, likely leading to a close friendship or significant romantic relationship. However, this relationship may begin with some reluctance or resistance, but it’s likely to blossom over time and become a long-lasting connection.
Famous people with 8th house Saturn Many notable individuals were born with Saturn in the 8th House, including historical figures like Martin Luther King, Jr. and Sigmund Freud. Other celebrities with 8th House Saturns include Kristen Stewart, Khloe Kardashian, Jay-Z, and Kobe Bryant.
Saturn in 8th House in Vedic Astrology
Personality Having Saturn in the 8th house makes for a flexible and understanding personality. If you have this placement, you’re likely to easily empathize with others and adapt to any new situation or circumstance. You may have an easy-going personality and enjoy adventure and spontaneity. However, you value harmony, peace, and balance above all else.
Relationships You prefer quality over quantity in all aspects of life, especially concerning your relationships and close friends. You sometimes struggle to connect and form close bonds with others, especially if they’re outside your most trusted inner circle. However, you never fail to be kind to everyone you meet, even if you don’t know them well or connect with them instantly. You may be slow to trust or fall in love with others. When you do take that leap, however, your connections are genuine, intense, and fulfilling.
Life path Saturn in the 8th house indicates that your life will be full of growth and change. Because the 8th house is closely connected to transformation, you will likely have to reinvent yourself more than once. This transformative quality may apply to all aspects of your life, but most especially your worldview, career, financial status, and romantic relationships.
Work and career Having Saturn in the 8th house generally indicates a promising career focused on wealth and financial stability. However, you may face professional obstacles if you have a combust Saturn in the 8th house, meaning that the planet was too close to the Sun at the time of your birth. In Vedic astrology, a combust planet (in any house) is believed to hinder its positive powers. In the case of a combust Saturn in the 8th house, you may struggle to advance in your career or academic studies. However, having Saturn in your 8th house also makes you an extremely diligent and hard worker, meaning you can overcome these hurdles with dedication and patience. Fully understanding how a combust planet impacts you will depend on its relationship with your ascendant sign, as well as other signs in your birth chart.
Rising sign placements In Vedic astrology, the rising or ascendant sign is considered more important than the sun sign, and your Vedic rising sign may differ from what it is in Western astrology. If your Vedic rising sign is Capricorn, Aquarius, Aries, or Libra, Saturn in the 8th house may impact you more significantly. 8th House Saturn + Capricorn: You’re prone to being ambitious and goal-oriented, always working hard and staying focused on achieving your dreams. 8th House Saturn + Aquarius: You may be stubborn, but you are equally efficient and imaginative in your goal of creating a better future for everyone. 8th House Saturn + Aries: You are likely a natural leader who values responsibility and emanates confidence, drive, and a competitive spirit. 8th House Saturn + Libra: You may face challenges in life, but you are extremely tolerant and persistent, always working hard to rise above with strength and humility.
Saturn in 8th House in Western Astrology
Personality The 8th house Saturn in your birth chart makes you naturally intuitive and empathetic. You are always attuned to and aware of other people’s motivations and feelings. If you put these skills to good use, you may be able to uplift others and help them reflect on their own needs. You can also use this intuition to help yourself better understand what drives your own behaviors. You may be extremely serious and reserved—while there’s nothing inherently wrong with those qualities, it can make you slow to trust or open up emotionally to others. You sometimes view life as a hierarchy that you want to climb. This trait may make you seem calculated or rigid to others, but you really just crave security and stability. It’s completely fine to be a more serious or pragmatic person, but make sure to let yourself relax and enjoy life every once in a while!
Relationships Saturn in the 8th house may encourage fears around intimacy and vulnerability. While the 8th house is seen as a house of intimate bonding, it’s not connected to passion or sensuality. While you may consider yourself to be sexually adventurous and enjoy having many partners, you struggle to be emotionally vulnerable or commit to one romantic or sexual partner. Any emotional challenges in your romantic relationships typically improve after your Saturn return, which is when Saturn has gone through its full cycle since your birth—which happens every 29 years. Remember that the challenges in your birth chart aren’t meant to make you feel bad, but they are meant to show you where you can grow. Work on dealing with your deep emotions and opening up to others about your feelings.
Work and career Saturn in the 8th house predisposes you to a healing-focused career. You are likely drawn toward jobs that concern transformation and the movement from one phase of life to another, such as a doula, hospice worker, emergency medic, grief counselor, or psychic medium. Having an 8th house Saturn also gives you a natural knack for money and a desire for security, meaning that a financial or investment-related career could be right for you. You are a very disciplined and hard worker, so you’re likely to thrive in fast-paced and even cutthroat environments. Just be careful not to get too swept up in the ambitious or greedy side of the financial world—stay true to your values and use your skills wisely.
Sign placements The full impact of Saturn depends on the zodiac sign it’s placed in. When you read your astrological houses, you’ll see that each house has a number and planet, as well as a separate sign, the combination of which impacts the overall effect. If you have a Saturn in Aries in the 8th house, for instance, your personality and life path may be different from someone who has a Saturn in Gemini in the 8th house. Aries: May struggle with settling personal boundaries and should focus on connecting with loved ones in a genuine and emotional way. Taurus: Craves stability and loyalty in close relationships and works hard for professional success. Gemini: Faces challenges with emotional communication but can find real happiness with the right match. Cancer: Focuses on emotional security and trust in relationships. Likely to earn professional respect and success. Leo: May have lessons to learn about the dangers of ego, but they are eloquent and likely to be admired by most people they encounter. Virgo: Needs an organized and practical approach to life that can sometimes be limiting, but overall earns them financial prosperity and comfort. Libra: Prioritizes balance, equity, and harmony in all things. However, they will have to overcome some external obstacles to achieve those ideals. Scorpio: Potential to grow in relationships when it comes to trust and control, but deeply reflective and understanding about the nuances of life. Sagittarius: Looks to expand personal perspectives and seek wisdom from others, undergoing profound transformation in the process. Capricorn: Focuses on disciplined and practical planning for long-term goals, but may have to get in touch with their spiritual or philosophical side to feel truly fulfilled. Aquarius: May struggle with deep emotional connections in favor of a more individualistic approach to life following a love of research and exploration. Pisces: May have to learn to set boundaries in relationships in order to achieve their goals of stability and security.
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