Books: Things you didn't know about John
Books: Things you didn't know about John
Read about the life and times of John Lennon through Cynthia, first wife and author of the recently released John.


Cynthia Lennon

Crown, Rs 950

Rock and Roll, LSD, psychedelia and 1960's Liverpool. Yes, we are talking Beatles and we are talking life and times of John Lennon through Cynthia, first wife and author of the recently released John.

All of 18, Cynthia met John and fell in love. Then John Lennon reached dizzying heights of fame, and fell in love again, this time with Yoko Ono.

Cynthia takes pains to prove herself as a Plain Jane. Still, in spite of herself, she is interesting when she tells us things she never meant to in the first place.

Like John and she never used contraceptives, even though they knew how babies were made.

Or how John was an abysmal driver. Or how he wrote Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds when their son got home a drawing he had done of a classmate named Lucy.

Even though Cynthia's jottings occassionally lapse into catty pettiness on ancient grouses with the icon, she does try to view things with a balanced perspective.

Needless to say, a must read for all Beatles fanatics.

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