Did Amanda Bynes want to work as a bartender?
Did Amanda Bynes want to work as a bartender?
Actress Amanda wants to work as a bartender as she would like a normal life.

Los Angeles: If she has her way, the troubled actress, Amanda Bynes would work as a bartender.

According to sources connected to Bynes, she wants "a normal life" and she believes working in a bar would achieve that goal, reports tmz.com.

She knows that since she attracts attention, it would be hard to function as a bartender, even so she is thinking of getting a job as a bartender.

Bynes is in desperate need of money as she only receives $50 and $100 a day due to her conservatorship, under which a protector is appointed by a judge to manage the financial affairs of another individual who are unable to do so themselves due to physical or mental limitations.

And if she gets enough money, she'd like to get an apartment as well as a plastic surgery.

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