Milosevic death prompts suspicion
Milosevic death prompts suspicion
Ex-Yugoslav President Slobodan Milosevic's former legal advisor and family are saying that the chief prosecutor of the UN war crimes tribunal is to be blamed for his death.

Paris: Ex-Yugoslav President Slobodan Milosevic's former legal advisor and family are saying that the chief prosecutor of the UN war crimes tribunal is to be blamed for his death.

Meanwhile the former President's opponents are saying that his death deprives them of justice.

Slobodan Milosevic's body being taken for autopsy to the Netherlands Forensic Institute.

Serbian newspapers lashed out today at the UN tribunal, blaming The Hague-based court for the "murder" of Milosevic.

At his hometown near Belgrade, support for the leader was still strong. Supporters queued to sign their condolences and leave candle tributes for their former leader.

But across the rest of Europe, statesmen say Milosevic's death has frustrated justice and cheated his victims of closure.

His death did not cause stir in media in Croatia and the Croat Muslim part of Bosnia, two of the former Yugoslav republics ravaged by the 1990s Balkan wars.

Foreign Minister of Serbia and Montenegro, Vuk Draskovic, says, “What can I say? It's a pity he didn't face justice in Belgrade for all atrocities he committed over there."

"He was a monster, he started four wars, and he spent the last five years of his life in jail, which is a appropriate rough justice," Former assistant secretary of state for European and Canadian affairs Richard Holbrooke says.

Milosevic, charged with war crimes and genocide for his part in the Balkans conflicts that killed more than 200,000 people, was found dead in his cell room bed in the tribunal in the Dutch capital The Hague.

Among the charges, he was accused of ordering the massacre of up to 8,000 Muslims in Srebrenica in Bosnia in 1995 after it was captured by Serb forces.

Relatives of those killed in the massacre welcomed the 64-year-old former strongman's death but regretted that he escaped sentencing.

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