Our inner world is mystical
Our inner world is mystical
Focus on your breath to be anchored to the present. Your breath is the key to open the door to your inner self the soul, which is infinite and immortal.

Your breath came with you into this world and will remain with you till you leave. Yet, it has no memories of the past and no fears of the future because it is forever rejoicing in the present.

So, when you focus on your breath, you are always anchored in the present where there is no comparison and no anticipation. Each moment is beautiful and perfect in itself.  Each moment contains the essence of infinity.

That is why your breath is the key to open the door to your soul which is infinite and immortal. Your inner world is mystical and mysterious.

Unknown treasures and unexplored abundance are waiting for you inside.  Come, harness your breath, turn the key, open the door and walk in.  Use our breath to discover our hidden potential

My dear friend, welcome back to experience complete peace and harmony by harnessing your breath. You have now understood how to befriend and use your senses to tap into divinity.

You have also realised how vital your breath is to integrate your senses, mind and intellect by practising the beautiful, serene breathing technique of the ‘Cosmic Breath’, where you chant ‘Om’ as you inhale and exhale.

Today, let us delve deeper into the other aspects of our breath and comprehend as to how to use it to unlock the door to our soul.

We earlier learnt that all of us have five  sheaths of consciousness that become progressively subtler as we move towards the soul. These are the sheaths of food, vital energy or vital airs, mind, intellect and bliss. Of these, the sheath of vital airs contains our energy vortices, energy meridians and the five vital airs.

These five vital airs are constantly monitoring all the biological processes of the body and the thoughts and feelings of the mind and intellect. They are, in turn, governed by our bio-chemical, bio-electric and bio-rhythmic energies.

What are these five vital airs that are so crucial to our physical, mental and spiritual well being? They are 

The Air of Propulsion which is our breath that charges us with life-giving force and keeps us robust, healthy and alive. It also controls our respiratory system and propels us towards our soul when we harness its energy with awareness through meditation and spiritual practices.

The Air of Expulsion that always acts downwards and expels all the toxins and poison from our body by governing our excretory system. When this vital air is turned upwards through meditation, it works against gravity and makes us levitate.

The Air of Focusing that digests our food and distributes nourishment throughout the body by regulating our digestive and circulatory systems.

The Air of Harmonisation that organises our thinking and feeling patterns and activates our hidden talents by managing our neurological system.

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