RRVUNL Recruitment 2018 application process to fill 3220 vacancies for the post of Accounts Officer, Personnel Officer, Assistant Personal Officer, Junior Legal Officer, Junior Accountant, Stenographer and Junior Assistant/ Commercial Assistant in 5 Power Companies of Rajasthan has begun on the official website of Rajasthan Rajya Vidyut Utpadan Nigam Limited (RRVUNL), Rajasthan - energy.rajasthan.gov.in/rvunl. Interested and eligible candidates must apply for the relevant post on or before June 11, 2018 by following the instructions given below:
How to apply for RRVUNL Recruitment 2018?
Step 1 – Visit the official website - http://energy.rajasthan.gov.in/rvunl
Step 2 – Click on the notification that reads ‘Recruitment for various Non- Technical Posts, 2018 – 19’
Step 3 – Click on the link ‘Apply Online’ under ‘Detailed Advertisement for the posts of Personal Officer and Accounts Officer’ or ‘Detailed Advertisement for the posts of Assistant Personnel Officer, Junior Legal Officer, Junior Accountant, Stenographer and Junior Assistant/ Commercial Assistant’
Step 4 – Register yourself first by clicking on ‘New Registration’ for the respective posts
Step 5 – Login with required credentials and fill the application form, make online payment and complete application process
Step 6 – Download the confirmation page and take a print out of the form for future reference
Direct Link for Registration - http://ibps.sifyitest.com/rrvunvpmay18/basic_details.php
Direct Link for Login - http://ibps.sifyitest.com/rrvunvpmay18/
Application Fee:
Unreserved Category (If annual income of family is Rs.2.50 lakh or more) – Rs.850
Unreserved/ SC/ ST/ BC/ MBC/ PWD Category (If annual income of family is less than Rs.2.50 lakh ) – Rs.550
RRVUNL Recruitment 2018 - Vacancy Details:
Accounts Officer - 42
Personnel Officer - 27
Assistant Personal Officer - 67
Junior Legal Officer - 48
Junior Accountant - 812
Stenographer - 114
Junior Assistant/ Commercial Assistant - 2110
Total Posts: 3220
Eligibility Criteria:
Accounts Officer - The applicant must be CA/ ICWA or MBA in Finance of minimum 2 years from a recognized University.
Personnel Officer - The applicant must possess Graduate Degree from a recognized University with at least 50% marks.
Assistant Personal Officer - The applicant must possess Graduate Degree from a recognized University.
Junior Legal Officer - The applicant must be a Law Graduate from a recognized University.
Junior Accountant - The applicant must possess Graduate Degree in Commerce or Business Administration from a recognized University.
Stenographer - The applicant must possess Graduate Degree from a recognized University.
Junior Assistant/ Commercial Assistant II - The applicant must possess Graduate Degree from a recognized University.
Applicants are advised to visit official website and read through the advertisement to ascertain their eligibility.
Accounts Officer and Personnel Officer -
Assistant Personal Officer, Junior Legal Officer, Junior Accountant, Stenographer and Junior Assistant/ Commercial Assistant -
Pay Scale:
Accounts Officer – Rs.39,300 per month during training and Rs.56,100 on completion of training
Personnel Officer - Rs.39,300 per month during training and Rs.56,100 on completion of training
Assistant Personal Officer - Rs.26,500 per month during training and Rs.37,800 on completion of training
Junior Legal Officer - Rs.23,700 per month during training and Rs.33,800 on completion of training
Junior Accountant - Rs.23,700 per month during training and Rs.33,800 on completion of training
Stenographer - Rs.23,700 per month during training and Rs.33,800 on completion of training
Junior Assistant/ Commercial Assistant - Rs.14,600 per month during training and Rs.20,800 on completion of training
Selection Process:
The selection of the candidates will be done on the basis of Written Examination.
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