In the town of Veluguri, Chamguri, within the Nagaon district, Assam there lives a remarkably gifted young girl named Snigdha Parashar. Despite her tender age, Snigdha has become known for her extraordinary ability to recite sacred texts with ease and precision. Whether it’s the Bhagavad Gita, the Mahabharata, or various mantras and Devi hymns, Snigdha’s knowledge and command of these complex spiritual recitations have left many in awe. It’s as if the goddess of speech, Saraswati, has taken residence in her voice, blessing her with the ability to speak words that seem to flow effortlessly from her.
Her story is one of dedication and perseverance. From the age of six, Snigdha would return home from school and, instead of indulging in the typical activities of a child her age, she would spend her free time memorising intricate Sanskrit shlokas and hymns. What began as a simple daily practice has gradually evolved into a talent that is both beautiful and commendable. Her ability to internalize and recite these ancient texts with such fluency and grace is nothing short of extraordinary.
A significant influence in Snigdha’s life has been her father, Parashmani Sharma. From the time she was in nursery school, Parashmani took it upon himself to teach her the shlokas from the Bhagavad Gita, Krishna Stotram, Shiva Tandava, Ashtalakshmi, and other important Sanskrit hymns. His guidance and encouragement have undoubtedly played a crucial role in shaping Snigdha’s abilities.
As Snigdha continued to hone her skills, her talent did not go unnoticed. She began to participate in various events and functions in Nagaon, including those held at her school. At these events, Snigdha would confidently and effortlessly recite lengthy shlokas, captivating the audience and earning their admiration. Her remarkable talent has not only brought her praise but has also served as an inspiration to her peers and many others in the younger generation.
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