New Delhi: Tweaking its policies, Twitter has now added the age-screening feature that makes it easier for alcohol brands to connect with an age-appropriate audience. Users will be asked to verify their age before they are allowed to access alcohol brands on Twitter, said Twitter in a blog post.To start with, Twitter has partnered with brands like Bud Light, Jim Beam, Knob Creek, Heineken, and Bacardi, who are integrating the tool into their overall Twitter ad strategy. For example, Bud Light is using age-screened Promoted Accounts to reach people who are 21 and older and interested in the NFL during their #whatsyoursuperstition campaign, while Knob Creek is using it to launch their small batch bourbon brand on Twitter.Twitter has rolled out an improvement to the age-screening experience on, iOS, and Android devices.
####Here is how it works:
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