Unlocking plastic power
Unlocking plastic power
The Corporation is looking at a plastic disposal unit at Brahmapuram wherein plastic can be converted into fuel.

For all those who thought that plastic waste was a nuisance, it is time to think again. The cash-strapped Corporation might soon be able to make some much-needed money with the city’s overflowing plastic wastes.

“We are looking at a plastic disposal unit at Brahmapuram wherein plastic can be converted into fuel. The facility will be built on a BOT basis. The Corporation will provide a building and the land. The operation will be in the hands of the agency concerned and the corporation will receive a royalty. There are about 4 agencies which are providing the service

so we will select a suitable one after receiving the tender,” said the Health Standing Committee, T K Ashraf.

The facility will process the segregated plastic coming out of the plant in Brahmapuam as well as others. It will also have facilities like automatic washing of the plastic waste.  As of now the Kochi Corporation sells its plastic wastes after segregation. But over the years the number of takers have been coming down, insiders say. Another system that is in use is the shredding of the segregated plastic waste. But since that too has few takers now, the Corporation is now left with no option but to go for newer methods.

The plastic waste turned into a fuel system has been implemented in select municipalities in the country. Some of the agencies concerned even offer petrol/diesel. The funding for the plant and building will be with the assistance of the Suchitwa Mission.

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