5 Powerful Quotes That Will Make You Fall In Love With Your Single Status
5 Powerful Quotes That Will Make You Fall In Love With Your Single Status
Utilize this time to improve upon yourself.

Amidst the land of dreams, breakups and failed relationships, the Single Status crops. A single status can drive many amongst us on a path of emotional wreckage, but the wisdom lies in preparing your mind and heart to be ready for the emotional drama, a breakup brings along. Rather than falling prey to anxiety and depression, utilize this time to improve upon yourself, breathe a little more air, feel free to live your life to the fullest and laugh just a little more with your true family and friends. Let’s take a note of these 5 Powerful quotes that will make you fall in love with your single status by giving you a fresh perspective on how to look at it:

1. ‘Choosing to be single isn’t selfish, it’s just smarter to be alone than with the wrong person’

The most common reason for breakups and failed relationships is being with the wrong person, someone who keeps clinging on you, someone who disrespects you, someone who blames you for everything wrong in their life. It is better to be Single in your own right and live a life of dignity and self respect than be stuck with someone who doesn’t value your presence.

2. ‘I am pleased to say that I am happy – with or without you’

Being Single makes you a confident person, a person who’s happy with or without other people. Ambitious youngsters keep their status single to pursue their goals and stay happy while achieving them. If you are single for some time, try to find the happiness within coz that’s where true happiness lies.

3. ‘Single? No I’m just in a relationship with freedom’

By the time you’re appreciating the above two quotes, you’ll realize that the Single Status comes with a lot of Freedom. Freedom to do just anything your way – selecting the right gift, planning a dinner, going out for the weekend, what to cook – if at all you need to cook, and so on. Being Single gives you a lot of freedom to live a life the way you want to.

4. ‘I like being Single, I’m always there when I need Me’

Relationships come with a lot of responsibility and you hardly get any time for yourself. Even when you are not well, you keep giving your 100% to the other partner. You are just not there for yourself. There’s hardly any me-time when you are in a relationship. Some relationships just suck you completely and make you completely unavailable for yourself as well as for your family. As a single, you are always there to stand by your parents, siblings and your kids too.

5. ‘Yes, I’m Single. You have to be amazing to change it’

Last but not the least, when you are single, there are so many horizons to unfold. You have a choice to move on in life than being stuck. Being Single gives you time for self-introspection as to what you want in your relationship to live a happy life. So, next time someone asks, you know what exactly are you looking for.

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