Breaking Up With a Narcissist? Here's What You Should Expect
Breaking Up With a Narcissist? Here's What You Should Expect
It tends to be difficult when it comes to breaking up, especially with a narcissist as they are truly capable of keeping you entangled in the vicious relationship.

It tends to be difficult when it comes to breaking up, especially with a narcissist as they are truly capable of keeping you entangled in the vicious relationship. And even if you make out of the relationship you need to be mentally prepared to deal with the after effects of this break-up. Listed below are a few points that you can expect and hence prepare yourself to deal with them:

Promise to Change

This is the very first reaction that you’ll see once you announce the break-up. This is also one of their tactics to make you stay by promising that they will change their ways. But this will never happen. So do not backtrack.

Blame Game

Don’t be shocked or feel devastated when the narcissist blames you as the reason for the breakup, because this is what they normally do. They may see you as the best thing that ever happened to them but when the relationship falls apart they blame it on their partner.

Guilt Trip

Narcissists pin-point those things which can make you feel guilty. They simply make you believe that the problem is due to your mistake and try to gain from the situation.

Demand Attention

They will constantly try to grab your attention towards them even after you break up. The best way to deal with it is not to react. Ignore their existence.


This is where you come into the picture. You need to be emotionally strong to shut up the thoughts that try and make you rationalize for the narcissist’s behavior. Thoughts that you immediately need to withdraw from: he’s not that bad either; may be this relationship can workout if I do this; she loves me like no one would ever do. Avoid justifying their bad behavior and emotional abuse!

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